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Last Week

Sophomores Your Macbeth exam has been moved to Wednesday. Read Act V, and study for your test. Honors students, please finish reading your books. Your essay will be Friday, December 9th. I suggest starting reviewing NOW for the midterm. MIDTERM REVIEW Seniors Next week is the Profile Essay we discussed in class. The essay should be at least 600 words and formatted according to MLA. You must use direct quotes, including one long, "block" quote. Art Survey You will have a test on Chapter 8 on Wednesday, and we will review for the remainder of the week.


Sophomores Answer questions for Acts III & IV for Thursday: Comp check and #2-5 on p381 Comp check and #2-5 on p399 Quiz on Friday. Exam on the whole play is scheduled for next Tuesday.


Sophomores You have a quiz TOMORROW on Act II. You also have homework due Tuesday: CC and #2-7 on p362. We should be finished discussing Macbeth by the end of the week. Expect homework and quizzes every day. Seniors Bring your books tomorrow. We will discuss your revision essays, as well as the grading scale. Fine Art Survey We are discussing "Chapter 8: Romanesque and Gothic Art" this week.


Seniors Your assignment for this week is to investigate Trump's 100-day plan , found on his website . Look for a definition of ONE of the proposed topics, and come up with a list of at least three pros and cons. We will all present our findings on Thursday. Please type it up, cite according to MLA, and list the pros and cons as bullets. Sophomores Read the rest of Act One of Macbeth and answer the questions following the text: CC and #2-6. Art Survey Test on 7.3-7.4 in class Wednesday.

Fine Arts Survey

Your extra point assignment (due Monday, the 14th) is to research one of the topics from Chapter 7 and to write a short (250-word) summary of a credible article. You must create a citation for the website and use quotes when appropriate. Please put the citation at the top of the page, under an MLA heading, and format the paper according to MLA. The presentation is linked below: Chapter 7: Religious Conviction


Sophomores Your test on lyric poetry is on Monday. To help prepare for this, you will be writing your own sonnet. The guidelines are outlined in the assignment below. Please use your own thoughts and experience, not the internet. You should use a dictionary for help with pronunciation, definitions, synonyms, syllables, and accents. This assignment is due Monday, both electronically (shared as "Lastname - Sonnet") and printed. Sonnet Assignment Art Survey Your exam on 7.1 and 7.2 is on Monday, Nov. 7th. The notes are below: Chapter Seven


Sophomores Your test on lyric poetry has been moved to Monday . In class on Friday, you will write your own sonnet. For homework, answer the following: #1-3 on 303 #1-3 on 304 #2-7 on 306 Seniors You are writing your analysis essays in class Thursday and Friday. The assignment is linked below. Please submit your essay to me as "Lastname - Politics" by the end of class Friday, November 4th.  Political Cartoon Analysis


Sophomores Read the two pastoral poems in your book and answer the following questions: #1-3 on 291 CC and #2-5 on 293 Seniors Browse through the political cartoons at CAGLE.COM and choose two that are related in some significant way. Your task will be to establish the context, explain the cartoons, and compare their rhetorical strategies. We will write the essay in class this week.


Seniors Your in-class analysis essay on JFK's Inaugural Address is due by the end of class Friday. The essay should be around 500 words, formatted according to MLA, and shared with me as "lastname - JFK." Sophomores We will begin notes on the renaissance Friday. Art Survey Your presentation on Chapter Six is due by the end of class Friday. Submit to me as "Lastname - Chapter Six." The guidelines are listed below: Chapter Six Presentation


Seniors Finish annotating JFK's speech for Tuesday. We will discuss and write the essay later this week. Sophomores Finish reading "Death of Arthur" and answer questions on p237: CC & #2-4 (cite examples). Art Survey Test on Chapter 6.3 on Tuesday. 


Seniors You were to read JFK's Inaugural Address and to answer questions on p55-56. We will discuss the speech Thursday and Friday in class, and we will write an analysis essay in class on Monday. Sophomores Your assignment is to pre-read Sir Gawain and the Green Knight . We will discuss it in class tomorrow, and you will have homework on Thursday night: CC and #2-5 (p222) and Vocabulary (224). Don't forget about your assignment, honors students. Type a 250-word summary of the article on Tintegal Castle . Print and turn it in Friday.


Seniors Please take some time to review run-on sentences and fragments. One good interactive resource is Grammar Bytes . We will cover appositives (in your textbook) tomorrow in class. Art Survey Exam on 6.1 and 6.2. Homework is the section review from each (15 questions total). Sophomores Your honors essays are due tomorrow by the beginning of class. Type on Google Docs and share with the name "Lastname - Honors 1" (don't use the internet for help - only leads to problems with plagiarism). Your homework for tonight is to complete the study guide for the quiz tomorrow. Fill it out and bring it to class. Your quiz will be worth around 50 points. Finally, honors students have an assignment due on Friday, October 21st - a summary of an article on Tintagel castle , theorized to be the home of the "real" King Arthur.


Seniors Your essay this week is an analysis of print advertising. Students paired up and took notes on the ads, and then developed thesis statements on Tuesday. The essay will be written in class on Wednesday and Friday. Please share as "Lastname - Ads." Print Advertising Essay  Sophomores Read the ballads in your book (192-98) and answer the questions on page 198: CC and #2-5. I've also linked another copy of " Robin Hood and Little John " (Child no.125).  For Friday, please read the selection from The Book of Margery Kempe and answer questions on p256: CC and #2-6. Art Survey Your last assignment of the term is to create an outline of Chapter 6: Greek and Roman Art for homework credit: 6.1 (10 pts), 6.2 (20 pts), and 6.3 (20 pts). This is an optional assignment; however, it will definitely help you prepare for the lecture and test on Chapter Six. The outline should be shared with me by the end of class Friday as "Lastname - Ch 6 Outline."


Seniors Bring a magazine (or two) tomorrow! We're talking about analysis this week; in particular, we are going to look at print advertising as an introduction to persuasive media. Sophomores Your exam is on Tuesday. That means we will review on Monday. Start studying your notes and vocabulary NOW.

Fine Arts Survey

Your Chapter Five exam will be next Monday, October 10th. Remember that this includes the vocabulary for each section. Don't forget about this month's Downtown Gallery Crawl , happening Thursday night, October 6th ( Story on KEDM ).


Seniors Read Chapter Two in your textbook. Your task for the day was to create a brief outline based on the "Classical Model" discussed on pages 13-14. Sophomores Below is your schedule for the week, including homework assignments: Monday - finish reading "The Wife of Bath's Tale" and answer questions on "The Pardoner's Tale" - CC and 2-6 on 152; Ex. A and B on 153 Tuesday - answer questions on "The Wife of Bath's Tale" - CC and 2-5 on 167; Ex. A and B on 170 - we will discuss "Federigo's Falcon" Wednesday - answer questions on "Federigo's Falcon" - CC and 2-5, Ex. A on 178 - begin Monty Python and the Holy Grail Thursday - Finish movie :) Friday - HOMECOMING Monday EXAM on all three stories PLUS vocabulary  

ACT Prep

Reading Vocabulary List  Please define using Merriam-Websters by right-clicking on the word, choosing the appropriate definition for the context, and copying/pasting (or highlighting and dragging). Share with me, and you will receive homework credit. You will also be tested on these words next week.


Seniors We are discussing the principles of rhetoric, including what NOT to do - i.e. logical fallacies. For Friday, I want you to identify at least one fallacy in the news or popular media, identify it, and present it to class. Refer to the following list of terms: Thou Shalt Not Commit Logical Fallacies Sophomores No homework. We are starting "The Pardoner's Tale" tomorrow. Art Survey The name of the documentary we began today in class is Cave of Forgotten Dreams . The filmmaker is Werner Herzog, and the other film I mentioned is Lo and Behold .  


Sophomores Study for your exam! Use your quizzes and notes to create note cards, or use one of the resources mentioned in class. Read the "Prologue" again.  The exam will include multiple choice, matching and short answer questions, as well as a short essay. Seniors Finish and submit your "This I Believe" essays by the end of the day. Read Chapter One in your textbook.


Seniors You will write your own "This I Believe" essays in class Tuesday. Please refer to the assignment's guidelines , as outlined by the organization's web site. Sophomores Your in-class homework is designed to help you prepare for the exam on Thursday. This will be a 100-point exam. I (or a sub) will pass it out your assignment (not optional) in class Tuesday. We will have a full review on Wednesday. Fine Arts Survey Students will finish the open book exam on Chapter 4.


Seniors Your annotated bibliographies are due tomorrow, and you should have a revised draft ready to review in class. The complete final draft and interview letter are both due MONDAY. Sophomores You should be reading "The General Prologue" to The Canterbury Tales this week. Homework for tomorrow is to read the rest and to answer questions on page 137 of your textbook: Comprehension Check (note there are three questions here) #2-8 (two to three sentences each, including citations from the poem) worth a possible 20 pts. Your memorization assignment is being assessed Monday - required for honors students, and extra points for non-honors. This is your chance to bring up your grades this nine weeks; take advantage of it!

Art Survey

You exam on Chapter Four is Monday. We will review tomorrow in class. Hopefully, all the slide presentations are available via the link below: SLIDES for Chapter 4 Good job, everybody.

Canterbury Tales

Your quiz on the introductory material for The Canterbury Tales , including Geoffrey Chaucer's biography, will be on Thursday. This will be a 20-point quiz. Below is a picture of Chaucer's tomb in Westminster Abbey (Poet's Corner): Your honors assignment for this week is to memorize and recite (or write down) the first 18 lines of Chaucer's "General Prologue" to The Canterbury Tales in Middle English. You will be required to do this on Monday, and it will count as a quiz grade. Non-honors students will have the opportunity to earn extra points. Below are some aids to help you with pronunciation, including the text in the original language: Text and pronunciation audio  Text and pronunciation guide Rap singing version (through 1:26) Beastie Boys style rap Song with Images from Prologue Spoken with phonetic spelling And HERE ARE THE NOTES

Senior Research Paper

Seniors The final draft of your research paper is due this week. You have an assignment due every day this week, in fact, culminating in the submission of your final draft at the end of the week. Below is a checklist: Monday - Combined draft DUE To create the combined draft, highlight each draft and copy (CTRL-C); then, paste into a new document (CTRL-V). Only copy and paste the text, not the MLA headings.  Re-name and re-number the entire draft Add headings (2nd level for the three main parts, and 3rd level within each larger section) Change the font and spacing/indenting to be consistent throughout (should still be 12 point font and double-spaced) Share as "lastname research final" Tuesday - Revise (cut/replace/add) your final draft, and Title Page/Abstract DUE try creating an outline of your draft so far - one of the best methods for revision because it forces you to "re-vision," or see it again create a title page and abstract - submit as "la...

Quiz and Paper Due

Sophomores Your quiz on the introduction to the medieval period is on Friday. It will be another multiple choice and matching quiz worth 40-50 points. Start studying now. Honors students, your article for this week is on the discovery of Richard III's bones in 2013, on the site of the decisive Battle of Bosworth Field. Read the article HERE . The assignment is the same as before - 250-word summary of the article (including the source, author and title). Please print and bring this to class on Monday. Seniors Your Solutions Paper is due Friday. Plan and conduct your interviews ASAP. The final draft of your full research paper and your interview letter are both due Friday, September 23rd.


Seniors Problem Paper draft is due Tuesday, printed with sources attached. The Solutions Paper is due on Friday. Art Survey The assignment for this week is on Chapter Four: Art of the Non-Western World. Each student is creating a presentation in Google Slides and sharing it with the class. The assignment topics and guidelines can be found below: Chapter Four Slides Presentation Sophomores Read the introduction to the Medieval Period. Below is the animated Bayeux Tapestry I mentioned in class:


Sophomores Read the selections from A History of  the English Church and People and answer the following questions: Comprehension Check, #2-4 and 6 on p104 Quiz Friday on Exeter Book  selections and Venerable Bede. Here are the riddles discussed in class .


Seniors Your task for Thursday is to compose a memo informing me of your topic for research. This process should begin with research, and you need to keep meticulous records of every site you plan to use. This can include bookmarking, citing, and printing copies for your binder. Please refer to the following example for your memo: Topic Memo Sophomores Read selections from the Exeter Book (pages 84-97) and answer the following: #1-4 on 89 #1-4 on 93 Comprehension Check and #7 on 96

English II Honors Reading List

Honors students in English II have additional reading and writing assignments each nine weeks period. One major work is required, and for these students choose from a list. I will revise this as we move into the school year, but the following is your book list for the first nine weeks: Honors Book List


Sophomores We are writing character descriptions in class. If you've been taking notes and doing the homework, this should be relatively easy. You must cite examples from the text to receive full credit. Share with the file name "Lastname - Beowulf." Seniors This week we are working on the "Problem" paper, or the focus for your research. The assignment is available via the following link: Problem Paper

Essay and Exams

Seniors Your draft of the Career Paper is due by the end of class Friday. You've already shared it with me, but I will also need a printed copy, along with your sources. Please attach with a staple or paperclip. Sophomores Your Beowulf Exam is Friday. It will be short (around 25 multiple-choice and matching questions) and will be worth 50 points. Know the plot, manuscript, and poetics. Homework is on page 63: comprehension check and #2-5. Honors students, don't forget to print and/or share the 250-word summary of article on the Staffordshire Hoard by the beginning of class Friday. Fine Art Survey You will have an open-book quiz on Chapter Two on Tuesday.


Seniors We will continue to discuss your Career Paper . Your homework is to print something out from a degree program associated with your field of study. Start with a university you'd like to attend, and try searching the site for your major. Then, explore the links for entrance requirements and scholarship opportunities. You should also get a sense of what classes you will have to take in order to earn your degree. Print anything relevant and bring to class. We will begin writing the first draft on Wednesday. Sophomores Please read 45-51 in your textbook, and answer the questions on p51. Use complete sentences, and cite lines from the poem. Your answers should be at least three sentences per answer. Fine Art Survey Your assignment is to preview Chapter Two. We will work on homework in class.


Seniors Your homework for tonight is to go to the Occupational Outlook Handbook site and print out a description of your degree or professional area of interest. Note that some careers will be buried within a larger category (i.e. surgeon, within doctors). Also, you need to start deciding who you will interview, and start reaching out to them asap. The sooner you conduct your interview, the sooner you can have potentially your best source for information. We will begin writing the Career Paper essay this week in class. Sophomores First, the homework assignment is to read 28-44 and to answer #1-4 on p44, using complete sentences and citations from the poem (refer to line numbers). Your answers should be a short paragraph each, and this may be typed or handwritten (neatly). Second, the HONORS assignment for this week is to read the linked article on the Staffordshire Hoard , and to write a 250-word summary of the article. This must be typed and formatted according to MLA. A...


Art Survey Short presentations on National Gallery selections Sophomores Quiz on introduction to the Anglo-Saxon period Seniors In-class one-page statement of 10-year goals


Art Survey   Explore the National Gallery of Art page for a work in its collection that speaks to you in some way. Print out the page for that piece, including any text that comes with it, and be prepared to say something about it in class using the terms we've learned this week. Sophomores Read the introduction to the Anglo-Saxon period (18-21). Quiz on Friday. Seniors Your task tomorrow in class will be to write about possible future plans. After some research, you will turn this into something more solid by the end of the week. For now, start looking at the following sites: Big Future by the College Board Princeton Review Career Quiz Quick Personality test at Do the following for Thursday : Take a Briggs-Meyers test to see what category you're in. It may help you get an idea of where to start. Write down your four-letter personality type. PRINT something related to your goals from Big Future - specifically, their College Majors ...

Henri Cartier-Bresson

Acclaimed French photographer Henri Cartier-Bresson 's birthday was Monday, so I thought I'd introduce you to some of his work through an images search . He was the master of candid photography - images snapped in real time of unsuspecting subjects. Find one photograph you like in particular and bring it in for extra points on your first quiz. There's a great exhibition at the MoMA for anyone interested. I'll try to remember to do this periodically. Prime sources for bonus material on quizzes and tests...

This Week

Sophomores You will finish up your paper in class today. Bring your purple book Wednesday, and I will begin lectures. Quiz on Friday. Seniors You will finish up your paper in class today. We will begin discussing the research paper on Wednesday, and you will write your own "This I Believe" essay on Friday. Art Survey Checking homework at the beginning of class Tuesday. Quiz Wednesday on Chapter 1. Thursday and Friday we will be virtually touring a couple of museums - links and instructions later this week.

Weekend Work

Sophomore and Seniors To prepare for your paper on Monday, please make sure you have the following when you come to class: Write out your thesis - remember it is the answer to your question about the topic you've chosen Outline your support - your paragraphs explain your support for your thesis Cite all examples (with at least five significant, quoted phrases from your text) Your book should be highlighted and marked for content Include your thesis and outline with a printed copy of your essay You will write in class on Monday. Make sure you know your gmail username and password. 

Welcome Back!

 BRING YOUR REQUIRED READING BOOKS Sophomores and Seniors Your summer reading essays are due tomorrow. The format is MLA, and each report should have three 100-word paragraphs: a "book jacket" summary of the book, not giving away the ending (don't plagiarize) an explanation of a significant quote, related to the central point of the book an informal review, including why you did or did not like the book  Fine Arts Survey The assignment is simple: define ART.

Happy Summer!

Honors Essays

As noted in class, the assignment is to justify your book's inclusion in the honors curriculum for English II, or to argue that it should be removed from the list. Be specific, and use examples from the text. Essays should be 500 words and formatted according to MLA. Share with me via Google Docs by the end of the day Friday (use the filename "lastname-eng2honors").


Click on the following for a copy of the final review for English II. My suggestion is to copy & paste it into another document and write a bit about each author and/or work. You might want to make note cards for all the authors and titles. Someone could also create a Quizlet and share with the class. Whatever method you choose, STUDY. This is a 100-question final worth 20% of your grade. ENG II FINAL REVIEW

Final Week

Sophomores We are doing a cursory overview of some of the major poets of the 20th century, and we are also reading a couple of short stories. Below are some materials to help you with the introduction and poets: Introduction to the Period Modern British Poets Read James Joyce's "Araby" for Wednesday, and Penelope Lively's "At the Pitt-Rivers " for Thursday. We will go over the review on Friday. Homework for the stories is below: CC and #1-4 on 1029 (Wed) CC and #2-6 on 1207 (Thurs)

Victorian Exam and Summary

Your exam on the Victorian Period will be Monday . This is your last 100-point exam of the term. Next week, we will cover a selection of stories and poems from the 20th century, which will be included on the final exam. Honors students have a 250-word summary of the following article: " Penny dreadfuls: the Victorian equivalent of video games " (link to original article ) due Tuesday . Non-honors students can do the same assignment for extra points. Now watch this earnest young man below remind you how to write a summary:


Sophomores Do the following homework for Wednesday: #1-4 on 862 #1-4 on 943 CC and #2-3 on 961 #1-4 on 964 CC and #2-4 We will read and discuss Kipling's short story "Mark of the Beast" Wednesday and Thursday.


Sophomores Today in class, we read poems by Robert Browning. Please do the following for homework: #1-3 on p856 CC and #2-5 on p859 This week, we will continue to read selections of poetry from the period, as well as a short story from Rudyard Kipling. 

For Friday

Sophomores You have a quiz on the introduction to the Victorian Period and Tennyson on Monday. Seniors Your memory book assignment is due at the beginning of class on Friday. Presentations should be shared with me by the beginning of class. This last class day will be spent sharing the projects and turning in books.

Memory Book

The final senior assignment requires that you include pictures and memorabilia from  all four years  of high school. You can print pictures professionally, or you can print them on your own . This assignment is due at the beginning of class FRIDAY, MAY 6th . You should include  at least  the following: A cover page - including your name and a short statement about your experience at River Oaks and particular your graduating class (How do you feel about graduating?) At least FOUR pages ( two sheets , front and back) for each year = SIXTEEN total (or  eight sheets , front and back) in addition to the cover page Organize chronologically, ending with your senior year Include information related to  school  - academics, arts, athletics - as well as special events Include information related to  your interests  - religion, music, film, games, trends, etc. Include information related to  the news  - important events (i.e. the elec...

This Week

Sophomores For Monday, read chapters 17-21 and answer questions #1-5 in the study guide for those chapters. Read the rest of the novel for Tuesday. As we get to the end of the novel, don't forget to study the vocabulary terms. There are about 35 terms, 20 of which will be on your exam. Your exam will be in Wednesday. We will work on your literary analysis essays in class on Thursday and Friday. The essays are due Friday, printed by the end of class and shared with my email. Topics will be discussed Wednesday after the exam.  Seniors We will be watching Truman Show Monday through Wednesday, organizing evidence on Thursday, and writing critical analysis essays on Friday. This is your last essay of the terms.  Next week, we will work on your memory book projects (details to come).

Monday Work

Sophomores We are going to discuss Ch11-16 in class Monday and finish answering the study questions for Tuesday. Seniors The first thing we will do on Monday is discuss your updated plans for school and career. A one page "addendum" to your career paper is due on Tuesday . Include whether or not you plan to pursue the career discussed in your research paper and why or why not. Also include plans for career post-graduation and any career-related plans for this summer. This paper can be informal in tone but should follow the conventions of college-level writing. Share with me via email as "lastname-addendum." We will also discuss the letter you will all write to your future selves (five years from now). Every year, the senior class writes a set of letters, and every year I mail a set from five years ago.This letter should include anything you'd like to remember about your senior year, or your goals and values right now, or your tastes and opinions. I will m...

This Week

Sophomores Your homework over the weekend was to read ch1-4. Tonight, please fill out the character log on p17 (or make your own) with details from the chapters. Questions #1-5 on p18-19 of the STUDY GUIDE are due Wednesday. Read through ch10 for Thursday. Seniors Please read over the following discussion of Baudrillard's theory on culture: " On Simulation ." Please bring a list tomorrow of examples of this theory in practice in our everyday lives. In class, I gave you categories of food, beauty, health, and environment. You could of course add entertainment, which we've already discussed quite a lot. Our discussion tomorrow will generate topics to focus on for Thursday, when we will formulate thesis statements and evidence. The essay will be written on Friday in response to the following prompt: Have we crossed over into Baudrillard's final stage of "simulacra," where "our models for the real have taken over the place of the real in postm...

This Week

Seniors Your essay on Friday will be a synthesis essay that constructs an argument concerning technology in the workplace. Specifically, your essay should focus on a particular profession and the potential of robotics and/or artificial intelligence to enhance, improve, alter or harm the ability of humans to do their jobs. We have been watching selections from Frontline: Digital Nation , and the site also includes links to research. It makes sense to relate your topic to your future profession, but it is not required. Simply focus your topic on the area that most interests you. Find and print out at least TWO articles for Wednesday . Make sure you examine the credibility of each article, and please read them. On Thursday, we will develop thesis statements and support from your articles. The essay will be written in class on Friday. Sophomores Your study guide for Frankenstein is a PDF. You may view it, save it, or print it. Your homework for FRIDAY is to read both the novel (thr...

Welcome Back!

Seniors We will be talking about robotics this week, considering the following questions: How are robotics improving our lives? How are robotics displacing and changing our workforce? How is artificial intelligence improving our quality of living? How is artificial intelligence and interaction with machines affecting our cognitive abilities? Sophomores We will begin reading and discussing Frankenstein . I have your books, so will need to bring $5 as soon as possible. Remember that you can read the book online , as well. The first set of study guide questions will be due Wednesday.


Seniors Your in-class essay tomorrow is a summary and critique of the article outlined this week. You may use that outline and annotations in the drafting of your essay. Sophomores Your homework for tonight is to answer the following questions: #1-3 on p775 #2-5 and 7 on p779

Monday Work

Sophomores Answer the following in a response of at least one page, typed and shared with me (lastname-science): What modern scientific advancement(s) are we most afraid of, and why? Seniors Read the following article and compose a one-page outline of the contents. Type and share with me (lastname-robots): Are the robots about to rise?

This Week

Seniors We will be writing a literary analysis on Friday, based on a short story from your text: " Super-Toys Last All Summer Long " by Brian Aldiss (665). Homework questions (#1-7) following the story are due TYPED on Thursday. Please use complete sentences and cite examples from the text in your answers. Sophomores Your test on "Rime of the Ancient Mariner" is Wednesday, and your Honors exam is Thursday. Students not taking the exam will have a reading assignment. We will begin discussion of Frankenstein on Friday.

This Week

Seniors We are beginning a unit on "The Future" - including a discussion of cell phone use, social media, robotics, artificial intelligence, and alternate reality. To begin this conversation, we are viewing a 2010 episode of Frontline , "Digital Nation." I will refer to the following throughout the week: Link to the full episode Multi-tasking test (Open Site) Multi-tasking test (Scientific American) Sophomores We are reading and talking about "Rime of the Ancient Mariner" this week, with a test on Wednesday. The honors exam will be on Thursday, and everyone else will have a reading assignment. We will resume on Friday with an introduction to Frankenstein .


Seniors Read through at least the next three chapters for tonight. That leaves about 50 pages for tomorrow night, and we will discuss the end of the book on Wednesday. Your written exam will be in class on Thursday. Sophomores Read " Kubla Khan " and answer the questions in the book following the poem: CC and #2-5. We will discuss the poem in class, and your test will be on Wednesday. On Thursday, we will discuss Coleridge's " Rime of the Ancient Mariner " (bonus cheesy and eerie readings).


Seniors Read through p71 in your text - the next three chapters. We'll have finished the book by Wednesday, with a written exam on Thursday. Sophomores Answer questions following "Tintern Abbey" (#1-4 on 731) and the sonnets that follow (#1-3 on 733). We will discuss the remainder of the Wordsworth section in class Monday, and then we will read a couple of poems by Coleridge. Your exam on the first gen romantics will be before the break. For a closeup on Turner's Tintern Abbey paintings, go to the amazing Tate Gallery:  

This Week

Seniors We are starting Persepolis this week, and you should all have your books. For Wednesday, please read the first three chapters. For Thursday, read the following article on " Headscarf Politics ." We will have a quiz on the first five chapters on Friday. To help prepare you, please preview the questions from the study guide: Persepolis Study Guide Some asked if I would post something about the Cinema Rex Fire that is credited with being the catalyst for the Revolution in Iran. And it might also be helpful to view some film about the Shah himself: Sophomores We are beginning discussion of the Romantic Period this week. I gave everyone a copy of Robert Pinsky's analysis of Blake's set of "Chimney Sweeper" poems: A Perfect Discomfit . Please read the handout and be prepared to discussed. We will also read other selections from the first generation of poets - Wordsworth, Coleridge, and Burns - all before the break. After the break, we will ...

This Week

Seniors Please work on the following: finish your Little Brother paper and share it order Persepolis (Satrapi) and have it by Tuesday read "Show and Tell" by Scott McCloud (738-50) answer #1-8 (type) on p737, and bring printed out by Friday; use complete sentences and CITE specific examples from the text Sophomores We will work on your essays in class the next two days. Your essay should be printed out and stapled to the front of your cartoons and article. DUE by the end of class Friday.


Seniors Please complete your essays and share them with my email address by the end of class Friday. If you have not finished, you will have some time when we return on Wednesday. Remember that you can use the "Find" (CTRL-F) function in the PDF version to help locate specific evidence; however, please cite all relevant examples and quotes using page numbers from the book. Sophomores Your task for tomorrow in class is to hand write your first draft of the analysis essay. At the end of class, you will staple your draft to your cartoons and article. Make sure your name is on the draft. Your goal is of course to finish the paper, so that you can type and revise on Wednesday when we return. The assignment I handed out in class today is linked below: Analysis: Political Cartoons


Seniors Your exam is Wednesday, and the essay is Thursday-Friday. The essay will be typed in class, but you may do some preparation by looking at the following topics and going through the text for evidence. Note that the following are suggested topics for inquiry, but that your essay will be based on specific prompts on the date: What is terrorism? How is defined by the book, and how is this subject explored through the actions of Al Qaeda, the DHS, and Marcus? Is the disruption caused by Marcus, for example, worth the socio-political purpose? In particular, how much loss of privacy is acceptable for our security? What makes San Francisco an appropriate setting for the novel? Consider its geographical location, its multicultural population, its history of activism, and its role in the arts. Discuss Marcus as a central protagonist; how does his character develop, and what factors shape his growth as a character? Consider setting, events and characters. How does the book function ...


Seniors Your exam on Little Brother is on Wednesday. It will include the vocabulary, and your study guide is available here. Sophomores Your exam on the Restoration Period is Tuesday. Please know the following for the exam: Period Introduction Milton - Paradise Lost, selected poems Bunyan - Pilgrim's Progress Diary of Samuel Pepys Satire (p584-5) Alexander Pope (handout) - Rape of the Lock, Heroic Couplets, Essay on Man Non-Fiction Prose (p546-7) - discussion of genre and forms The Spectator Defoe - Academy For Women, Robinson Crusoe Women Writers (handout) Early English Novels Jonathan Swift - Gulliver's Travels, A Modest Proposal

Exam and Presentation

Sophomores Your exam will be on Tuesday, February 2nd. Read the selections from Gulliver's Travels for tomorrow, and answer the questions following Lilliput, including the vocabulary. The vocab will be on next week's test, as well. Seniors Your presentations are DUE before class tomorrow. I plan on getting there early and creating a public folder. Please don't forget to share your Slides with me. There will be a 10 point late penalty for those that don't get it done by 8:00. In other words, go ahead and share it! All changes between now and then will be saved.


Sophomores You should have a handout on Alexander Pope (soccer folks can pick one up by the door). Please "Essay on Man" in your handout and answer #1-7 on p525 for Tuesday Read "Rape of the Lock" in your handout, and answer #1-8 on p533 for Wednesday Seniors For Wednesday, bring at least ONE credible source related to your topic , printed out before class. This is a homework grade. We will work on presentations in class and continue discussion on Thursday.

Little Brother Presentations

Seniors Your next 100-point assignment is to produce a slide presentation using Google Slides . Your topics should be related to the book Little Brother , whether generated in class discussion or mentioned in the book's bibliography. Your presentations will be made public to your class on Friday. You must include a title page, at least six content pages (with both images and text), and a citation page. Specifically, you must follow the formatting and content guidelines outlined in the assignment: Tech Presentation . Each student will be investigating a different topic, so that we can all learn more about some of the people/technology/ideas presented by Doctorow.


Seniors Quiz tomorrow on Little Brother chapters 4-8. We will write in class on Friday. Sophomores Quiz Friday on Pepys, DeFoe, and Non-fiction (including The Spectator ). Your exam will be Friday of next week. Answer the following for Thursday: CC, 2-5 on p552 Vocab A and B on p553


Sophomores Answer the questions following the excerpt from Paradise Lost : CC, 2-6, and 8. Quiz on Friday. Seniors Read the first three chapters of Little Brother . FYI, here is an article explaining gait recognition research (conducted at Georgia Tech). In addition, please access the following Google Doc so it will be on your drive (in recent docs): Little Brother Vocab . There are several vocabulary terms to define (just follow the directions on the document), and it should help you with overall comprehension as you read the book. Although you will not turn this in, it will serve as a study guide for your exam, which will include over half of these terms. Also, I have linked a study guide to the novel (note that this is not my original file).


Sophomores Your homework tonight is to read the following poems by John Milton and to answer the questions at the end of the selections: " How Soon Hath Time " (#1-3 on 477) " When I Consider How My Light Is Spent " (CC and #1-3, 5 on 470) Seniors Have your copy of Little Brother on Wednesday.

Writing Summaries

Seniors, your essay this week is a summary of the article we've been discussing: "Education Is Not The Answer." By now, you should know what the title really means. Start your summary by introducing the article (and author) and stating the thesis or main idea. Then proceed to each paragraph, summarizing as you go. The end result will be no more than 1/2 the length of the original, or about 500 words. For suggestions on summary, please refer to the following from the University of Washington: How To Write a Summary . As a basic strategy, make sure you are summarizing rather than paraphrasing - or re-wording. I want to make sure you understand the basic concepts presented in the article, and that is best measured through summary. Include the main ideas only, quoting only when absolutely necessary to maintain the specific language of the author (or person being quoted), and quoting word or phrases only , not entire sentences.

This Week

Seniors Please buy a copy of Little Brother  (Doctorow) by Wednesday, January 13th. The book is available from the author for free download . Of course, you would have to print out the text in order to bring it to class. This week, we are going to consider an essay on education in the age of technology: Education Is Not The Answer (Part 1) . I'll distribute copies tomorrow in class, or you can print your own Google Doc version . Next week we will discuss privacy issues -- cameras, drones, wiretaps, Snowden , Anonymous , and Wikileaks -- and net neutrality. Come prepared to discuss. Sophomores Please read the two Bacon essays: " Of Studies " and " Of Marriage and Single Life " for Wednesday. For Thursday, please read " Song " and " The Flea " - both by Donne. The last three readings from Donne are on pages 451-56, and the associated homework is below (due Friday): #1-4 on p453 #1-3 on p454 #2-4 on p456 Finally, on Frida...

Welcome Back!

Sophomores Expect notes and a quiz on Friday. Seniors  The second semester of senior English is focused on technology, current events and fiction. We will continue to write argument, analysis and synthesis essays, and AP students will prepare for the multiple-choice section of the exam. It should be noted that all DE students must go through the process of enrolling in (and paying for) their classes at ULM. Also, only those that received a "C" or higher can take ENG 1002. Everyone should already be enrolled from December, and I should receive rosters soon.