Read through at least the next three chapters for tonight. That leaves about 50 pages for tomorrow night, and we will discuss the end of the book on Wednesday. Your written exam will be in class on Thursday.
Read "Kubla Khan" and answer the questions in the book following the poem: CC and #2-5. We will discuss the poem in class, and your test will be on Wednesday. On Thursday, we will discuss Coleridge's "Rime of the Ancient Mariner" (bonus cheesy and eerie readings).
Read through at least the next three chapters for tonight. That leaves about 50 pages for tomorrow night, and we will discuss the end of the book on Wednesday. Your written exam will be in class on Thursday.
Read "Kubla Khan" and answer the questions in the book following the poem: CC and #2-5. We will discuss the poem in class, and your test will be on Wednesday. On Thursday, we will discuss Coleridge's "Rime of the Ancient Mariner" (bonus cheesy and eerie readings).