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Showing posts from February, 2017


Sophomores Your homework for tonight is to answer the following questions concerning the selections from Lord Byron: #1-3 on 775 #2-4, 7 and 8 on 779 Seniors We will watch a documentary in class tomorrow that will set up the next few weeks of material. The link is below if you'd like to catch up before class: Digital Nation (we watched to :35 on Wednesday)


Sophomore Please read the sections on Jane Austen (768-69) and Mary Shelley (808-09) to reinforce the notes. Also, look over the terms on "Form and Meaning in Poetry" (771-72) in preparation for this week's lectures on the 2nd generation of Romantic poets. Seniors We are working on your Little Brother essays this week. Here's another look at the prompts in case you've lost yours. Remember that all essays should be shared with me via email as "lastname - little brother." The essay must be finished by the end of class Tuesday.


Sophomores First, I've changed the date for your reflection paper. It is now due Friday before 8am. Also on Friday, you will have a quiz on the "first generation" poets - Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge, and Burns. Tonight, read (or listen to) "Rime of the Ancient Mariner" (745-765) and answer the following: CC and #2-6 and 8. The version below is by Sir Ian McKellen (Gandalf/Magneto):

Tech Presentation

Seniors You are all required to create a short presentation on a topic related to the study of Little Brother . Your presentations are due by the beginning of class Wednesday, shared via Google Slides (lastname-tech), and you will present to the class. The requirements are outlined in the assignment: Tech Presentation The exam for the book is on Thursday, and we will write in class on Friday.


Sophomores For Tuesday, answer the following questions: #1-4 on 731 (when it says "sketch," please describe) #1-3 on 733 #1-3 on 737 #2-5 on 738 For Wednesday, you all have an assignment - to spend an hour OUTSIDE without your phone, by yourself, and to record your observations and thoughts. Use your senses. Afterwards, type up a 250-word reflection on the experience and share with me via Google Docs. Use the filename "lastname-reflection." Include your opinion on whether or not the experience is valuable to your state of mind.The assignment is due by 8am Wednesday.


Sophomores Answer questions #1-3 on 711 and #1-5 on 715. Seniors Your assignment is to finish reading the book and to come up with a topic for your Tech Presentation . I will discuss the assignment in class Friday, but for now, look for a topic that is related to the book or the ideas presented. This can include allusions to other works of literature, organizations, people, controversies, products or hacks. The bibliography in the back of the book is a good place to start.


Sophomores Read the handout on William Blake, and answer #1-10 in complete sentences. Seniors Your goal is to finish reading Little Brother by Friday and to have chosen a topic for your presentation. Topics should be related to the topics covered in the book. You may choose something from the bibliography or come up with your own, more recent or relevant, topic.


Sophomores Read the introduction to the Romantic Period (696-708), and be prepared to take an open notes/book quiz on Wednesday. Seniors Please read through chapter 16 of Little Brother , and be prepared for a comprehension quiz on Wednesday.