Your next paper is on the prevalence of simulation in today's world and our preference of the copy to the original in many aspects of modern life. This can be discussed with reference to food, beauty, health, social media, environment, technology, and entertainment. Our discussions will include Plato's Allegory of the Cave and Baudrillard's theory on simulation, simulacra, and the nature of reality itself.
We will discuss the theories, and you will provide examples throughout the week. Your prompt for Friday is the following:
We will discuss the theories, and you will provide examples throughout the week. Your prompt for Friday is the following:
Have we crossed over into Baudrillard's final stage of "simulacra," where "our models for the real have taken over the place of the real in postmodern society," or where the artificial has become preferable to the real? Or do we still value "authenticity" and "real" experience over the artificial? What are the implications for human society, both positive and negative? Write a 500-word argument answering the above question(s), focusing on a single industry or phenomena.Your essay should reference Baudrillard's theory and two other sources, focused on a specific area of simulation in the modern world - health, beauty, food, environment, media, etc. Your essay should make an argument in response to the prompt, considering both sides of the issue. Share as "lastname-simulation" by the end of class Friday.