English IV
We will be discussing Little Brother and its context this week. Please have the book for class next Monday. Although the book is available for free via Doctorow's site, having a copy will allow you to annotate. You can download the study guide for the book HERE.
English II
Read the two essays by Sir Francis Bacon, and answer the following:
Read the first two chapters, and preview the National Gallery of Art collection. We will continue to discuss terminology and then spend some time choosing one of the works in the "highlights" and explain (informally) their subject, meaning, and media. Your assignment is below:
We will be discussing Little Brother and its context this week. Please have the book for class next Monday. Although the book is available for free via Doctorow's site, having a copy will allow you to annotate. You can download the study guide for the book HERE.
English II
Read the two essays by Sir Francis Bacon, and answer the following:
- #1-4 on 444
- CC and #2-4, 6 on 447
Read the first two chapters, and preview the National Gallery of Art collection. We will continue to discuss terminology and then spend some time choosing one of the works in the "highlights" and explain (informally) their subject, meaning, and media. Your assignment is below:
- Choose an image from the "highlights" gallery
- Copy and paste it into your Doc file (shared as lastname-nga)
- Write a paragraph including the following:
- Title and artist (if known)
- The date and origin of the work
- The media/materials used
- The subject material and category
- The meaning to you (why you picked it)