English IV
Read through Chapter 3, making notes as you move through the book of the following:
Read the selection from Paradise Lost, and be prepared to answer the homework questions in class tomorrow: #1-3 on 477, cc and #2-3 on 479; cc and #3-6 on 491. We will also take notes on Pilgrim's Progress before our next quiz on Friday.
Art Survey
We will work on your presentation projects in class this week, and you will share them the class on Friday. Please share with me as "lastname-ch4" when you begin to work. Please observe the following:
Read through Chapter 3, making notes as you move through the book of the following:
- Anything related to character development
- Terms or technology you'd like to look up
- Major plot points
- References or parallels to games
Read the selection from Paradise Lost, and be prepared to answer the homework questions in class tomorrow: #1-3 on 477, cc and #2-3 on 479; cc and #3-6 on 491. We will also take notes on Pilgrim's Progress before our next quiz on Friday.
Art Survey
We will work on your presentation projects in class this week, and you will share them the class on Friday. Please share with me as "lastname-ch4" when you begin to work. Please observe the following:
- Create a presentation using Google Slides of 10 slides PLUS a title
- All fonts should be between 18 and 32
- All slides should be roughly 1/2 words and 1/2 images
- Use your book for all text, and link all images to their source pages
- Focus on summarizing the main points and including images that are "paradigms"