English II
Your assignment for the next two days is to write a summary. First, you will all read the linked article from National Geographic about the Staffordshire Hoard - text version here. Then, we will craft a 250-word summary in class over the next two days (share as "lastname-hoard"):
How To Write a Summary
Your homework is to READ the article and take notes on the most important points. Remember that a summary does not use wording from the original text, and it should be clear and concise. Also, do the following vocabulary assignment for homework credit. It will help you comprehend the article and earn you points!
Your assignment for the next two days is to write a summary. First, you will all read the linked article from National Geographic about the Staffordshire Hoard - text version here. Then, we will craft a 250-word summary in class over the next two days (share as "lastname-hoard"):
How To Write a Summary
Your homework is to READ the article and take notes on the most important points. Remember that a summary does not use wording from the original text, and it should be clear and concise. Also, do the following vocabulary assignment for homework credit. It will help you comprehend the article and earn you points!