The final draft of your research paper is due next week. Below is a
- Monday - Combined draft DUE
- To create the combined draft, highlight each draft and copy (CTRL-C); then, paste into a new document (CTRL-V). Only copy and paste the text, not the MLA headings.
- Re-name and re-number the entire draft
- Add headings (2nd level for the three main parts, and 3rd level within each larger section)
- Change the font and spacing/indenting to be consistent throughout (should still be 12 point font and double-spaced)
- Share as "lastname research final"
- Tuesday - Revise (cut/replace/add) your final draft, and Title Page/Abstract DUE
- try creating an outline of your draft so far - one of the best methods for revision because it forces you to "re-vision," or see it again
- create a title page and abstract - submit as "lastname abstract" (examples are examples only, not meant to be templates)
- Look at some examples of title pages; your abstract (or summary) should be 75-100 words
- Wednesday - Peer review of final draft