English II
Your Medieval Presentations are due Friday at the beginning of class. You will have time to work on this in class, but you may also need to work outside of class. Remember that is very important that you use only high quality sources and that you CITE everything through links. Ask tomorrow if you don't know how to do this.
Voting will be Monday. Choose TWO from your section only and write them on a piece of paper.
English IV
The final copy of your research paper is due at the beginning of class Friday. Please present your final draft in a report cover. Also, make sure you have corrected all errors, including those to your title page and references. Your sources should be attached to your final draft.
Your Medieval Presentations are due Friday at the beginning of class. You will have time to work on this in class, but you may also need to work outside of class. Remember that is very important that you use only high quality sources and that you CITE everything through links. Ask tomorrow if you don't know how to do this.
Voting will be Monday. Choose TWO from your section only and write them on a piece of paper.
English IV
The final copy of your research paper is due at the beginning of class Friday. Please present your final draft in a report cover. Also, make sure you have corrected all errors, including those to your title page and references. Your sources should be attached to your final draft.