Below is the schedule for the week, with a description of each assignment:
Reminder: the late penalty for all work is 10 points per day.
- Tuesday - Title Page and Abstract (10 pts) - example
- should include a title that is related to your topic
- your name and my name
- the course and date
- abstract - a summary of your entire paper (about 50 words)
- Wednesday - Annotated Bibliography (50 pts) - example
- a citation for each source, followed by a brief (3-5 sentence) "annotation"
- include a reference to both the reliability and relevance of the source
- Thursday - Interview Letter (50 pts) - example
- use "full block" style - aligned left
- one body paragraph on the interview subject - who, why him/her, when, where
- one body paragraph related to the material used in your paper
- ALSO bring your combined draft for workshop
- Friday - Final Draft DUE (200 pts)
- your report of at least 1500 words, bound in a cover of some sort
- copy of rubric inside the front cover
- copy of all sources cited in the paper
- file sent to my email by end of school day
Reminder: the late penalty for all work is 10 points per day.