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Showing posts from September, 2014

Medieval Exam

Your next exam will be on Friday, and it will include the following: Boccaccio's " Federigo's Falcon " (172-79) Book of Margery Kempe (253-55) Medieval theater (258-59) Dante's Inferno ( handout ) Ballads - from the handout and the textbook (192-99) We will cover more notes tomorrow, review in class Thursday, and take the exam on Friday. Also, you have an opportunity to earn extra points this week by printing out lyrics to a story song. If your song can be classified as a ballad, according to our definition, then you get even more points. Start studying NOW for your exam on Friday, so that you can come to class with questions.

JFK's Inaugural Address

Your homework for tomorrow is to answer the thirteen questions on pages 55-56. Use complete sentences, and cite from the text. You can cite the paragraph number if you'd like. These questions reference "rhetorical strategies" found on pages 58-59, and I will be handing out a more comprehensive list tomorrow, as well. Your first vocabulary quiz on those terms will be next week. Your essay for this  week is an analysis of JFK's address to the country (and the world) on his inauguration in 1961.

Medieval Ballads

Sophomores We are starting the week with a discussion of medieval ballads -- story songs, mostly about tragic events. There are three in your book, and we will read three more from this handout , including a "true crime" take on the ballad from the fin de siecle . I will print copies, but you may want to preview the text. Your homework for Tuesday is to answer the Comp Check and #2-5 on 198.

Analysis Essay: Print Advertising

Seniors Your essay this week is on advertising. You are analyzing a print ad from a magazine, based on the model in your textbook (39-40). Everyone was supposed to bring magazines from home and to answer a series of questions concerning their ads: What is the product? Who is the audience? What  else  is being sold? In other words, what is the message? What are the dominant images? What associations can be made with the images? What specific language does the ad use (i.e. diction and syntax)? How does the ad appeal to ethos, logos and pathos? From this information, you should create an outline for your analysis. The first paragraph should include the name of your product, the magazine, the primary audience, the message, and the primary rhetorical strategies. Your essay should be 500 words, and the essay must be written in class. Bring your USB drives.


Sophomores We read "Federigo's Falcon" in class today, from Boccaccio's The Decameron  (171-79). Your homework is to read the selection from The Book of Margery Kempe  (252-57). I will give you 20 points for completing the following: Comp Check, #3-5 on 177 Comp Check, #2-4 on 256 In order to get full credit, you must write in complete sentences and cite from the text(s).


Your exam in English II tomorrow is on Arthurian Literature, including the notes on chivalry and courtly love, Sir Gawain and The Green Knight , and Death of Arthur . Don't forget to study the vocabulary for both (30 terms in all).


Seniors You should be reading Ch 2. Tonight's homework is to answer the questions following the 9/11 piece. There are 13 questions in all, and I expect complete sentences with direct reference to the text, including citations when appropriate. Bring a school-appropriate magazine of your choice on Wednesday. We will be analyzing print ads in class and writing in class on Friday. Sophomores Read the excerpt from Malory's Death of Arthur (225-237), and answer the questions at the end: comp check, #2-4. We will have an exam on Arthurian Literature on Wednesday. Study ALL vocabulary from the two longer works.

Drinking Age Debate

Seniors You are writing the next essay IN CLASS, using only your own experience and observations for evidence. The topic is Louisiana's drinking age. Instead of citing statistics from a source, this paper will focus on logic and reason. Your essay should be organized according to the classical model (13-14 in your text), and should be around 500 words in length. According to the APIS ( Alcohol Policy Information System ), the current law in Louisiana is that you must be 21 or older to to purchase, possess or consume alcohol. However, the current law also states that you can be a minor and consume or possess alcohol in a private residence or with a parent/guardian. There is no such exception for the purchase of alcohol. Do you agree with the current law, or should it be changed in some way? Consider the rhetorical appeals we discussed in class, specifically the relationship between the author, subject, and audience.


Sophomores Answer questions on p222 - Comprehension Check, #2-4 - five questions total, paragraph each, citing examples from the text. Seniors You have a quiz tomorrow on the notes and Ch1 of your text. Know the Aristotelian Triad (the three appeals) and the classical model for argument (p13). Also, please be familiar with the logical fallacies discussed in class.


Seniors Read chapter ONE in your textbook, please. Expect a quiz on the notes Wednesday. You will write Thursday in class on the subject of the drinking age. Sophomores As you know, much of the week will be dedicated to Monty Python and the Holy Grail ; however, to begin the week, I've given you some notes on the legend of King Arthur, and your homework tonight is to read the excerpt in your book from  Sir Gawain and The Green Knight . Full text here .

Final Draft and Quiz

Seniors The FINAL DRAFT of your research paper is due tomorrow! Present your final draft, workshop draft, and sources in a folder with your name on it. The final draft should be in a report cover, with the rubric placed inside . Finally, submit a copy of your draft -- intro to conclusion -- via email. Your file name should be lastname-final. Sophomores You have a QUIZ tomorrow on the introduction to the Middle Ages . That is all.


Senior Research Project

Below is the schedule for the week, with a description of each assignment: Tuesday - Title Page and Abstract (10 pts) - example should include a title that is related to your topic your name and my name the course and date abstract - a summary of your entire paper (about 50 words) Wednesday - Annotated Bibliography (50 pts) - example a citation for each source, followed by a brief (3-5 sentence) "annotation" include a reference to both the reliability and relevance of the source Thursday - Interview Letter (50 pts) - example use "full block" style - aligned left one body paragraph on the interview subject - who, why him/her, when, where one body paragraph related to the material used in your paper ALSO bring your combined draft for workshop Friday - Final Draft DUE (200 pts) your report of at least 1500 words, bound in a cover of some sort copy of rubric inside the front cover copy of all sources cited in the paper file sent to my email ...

Anglo-Saxon Exam

English II students have an exam tomorrow. I've linked the notes on the Exeter Book and Venerable Bede on the Edline site. You can also find copies of all works online. The exam will be mostly multiple choice and matching with an essay. Don't forget to study the vocabulary, as well.

Problem/Solution Paper

I gave you a suggested outline in class today, linked here . I also gave you instructions on inserting an image into your draft. Your final draft of the problem/solution paper is due tomorrow at the end of the day. Please email the attached file (lastname-problem) so I can add it to the database. This weekend, your priority is to complete your interview and to revise both papers. Next week, you will report to me on your interview in the form of a letter . I will discuss the format and contents on Monday. You will also be required to turn in an annotated bibliography and an abstract/title page . In other words, work on writing the paper now, so that you can get these other assignment completed next week. All of this goes toward the same goal: turning in your 1500 word report Friday, September 12th .


Seniors Bring at least two CREDIBLE sources to class tomorrow. You will begin drafting the problem/solution paper, so bring your USB drive. Sophomores Read the Venerable Bede's selection from A History of the English Church and People  (p.98-104). The EXAM has been moved to Monday , and you will have a QUIZ on the Exeter Book and Venerable Bede on Friday . The exam will cover the following: Celtic and Roman notes Anglo-Saxon notes Beowulf The Exeter Book The Venerable Bede Vocabulary from Beowulf (30) and Bede (98)


Seniors Your assignment for tonight is to come up with a viable topic for your Problem/Solution paper, to be written in class on Friday. This week's in-class activities will include researching and documentation, including evaluating online sources . One of your assignments during our week of revision is an annotated bibliography, which will state the reliability and relevance of every source cited in your paper. Sophomores We are reading selections from the Exeter Book, a collection of manuscripts from around 950 AD. Your homework is to read the selections on pages 84-97 and to answer questions #1-4 on 89 and 93. I should remind you that although homework is optional, it is a good source for exam questions!