Your final drafts of the research paper are due Friday. Please include the following in your folder:
- The FINAL DRAFT of your paper -- Six (non-honors) to eight (honors) pages, with at least four (non) to seven (honors) secondary sources, cited and formatted according to MLA
- The graded PRIMARY SOURCE PAPER (with my comments)
- Your Annotated BIB
- Your most recent OUTLINE
- All SOURCES used in the paper, stapled with citations and highlighted for content, arranged in the order they appear on the "Works Cited" page
I said I would give you a copy of the rubric I will be using; instead, please refer to the following:
- TWO points each = plurals/possessives, spelling, typos, word choice, and usage
- TWO points each = formatting errors (spacing, numbering, punctuation)
- FIVE points each = run-ons, fragments, P/A and S/V, parallelism
- FIVE points each = sentence-level issues (variety, clarity and syntax)
- TEN points each = paragraph-level issues (unity and development)
- TEN points each = misuse of sources, including incidental plagiarism
TOTAL POINTS possible for this draft = 150