Your final drafts of the research paper are due Friday. Please include the following in your folder: The FINAL DRAFT of your paper -- Six (non-honors) to eight (honors) pages, with at least four (non) to seven (honors) secondary sources, cited and formatted according to MLA The graded PRIMARY SOURCE PAPER (with my comments) Your Annotated BIB Your most recent OUTLINE All SOURCES used in the paper, stapled with citations and highlighted for content, arranged in the order they appear on the "Works Cited" page I said I would give you a copy of the rubric I will be using; instead, please refer to the following: TWO points each = plurals/possessives, spelling, typos, word choice, and usage TWO points each = formatting errors (spacing, numbering, punctuation) FIVE points each = run-ons, fragments, P/A and S/V, parallelism FIVE points each = sentence-level issues (variety, clarity and syntax) TEN points each = paragraph-level issues (unity and development) TEN points each = misus...