Type your list of 15 interview questions, including the names of at least two potential interview subjects. Please type on Google Docs and share with me as Lastname-Interview. Yes, these assignments are all for grades.
For Thursday, you are to bring two printouts:
For Thursday, you are to bring two printouts:
- something from the department where you plan to study, including possibly an outline of coursework or degree description (for example, I would have used ULL's English Department description of degree concentrations)
- a current event in your area of study from a credible source (I suggest Google News for this)
Read pages 30-44, and answer #1-4 on p44. Use complete sentences and cite from the book for full credit. Here's a link to Beowulf Online from the British Library.
On Thursday, we will continue to discuss the text through p44, and I will hand back your epics. On Friday, you will type those in class and submit for a grade. I've included the assignment below:
On Thursday, we will continue to discuss the text through p44, and I will hand back your epics. On Friday, you will type those in class and submit for a grade. I've included the assignment below:
- create an epic hero, including at least five of the characteristics of heros
- integrate the monomyth by setting your hero on a journey - from describing his/her home, the call to action, mentor(s) and ending with crossing over the threshold into the unknown
- story should be at least one page, no more than two
- this will be typed in 12 point font and submitted via Google Docs with the name "lastname-epic"