Today, we went over one of the three essays in your AP handout. One of your assignments for this week is to find 20 terms from that handout that you don't know. You will then type a list of the terms with their definitions (taken from Webster's only, please) and turn the list in on Friday. Please format according to MLA. I will compile a list of terms for a quiz the following week.
You have a quiz on Jonathan Swift tomorrow. This week, we will continue to talk about satire, including a discussion of contemporary political cartoons.
Today, we went over one of the three essays in your AP handout. One of your assignments for this week is to find 20 terms from that handout that you don't know. You will then type a list of the terms with their definitions (taken from Webster's only, please) and turn the list in on Friday. Please format according to MLA. I will compile a list of terms for a quiz the following week.
You have a quiz on Jonathan Swift tomorrow. This week, we will continue to talk about satire, including a discussion of contemporary political cartoons.