Make sure you have turned in BOTH essays - the revision and the in-class analysis. Have a good weekend.
Read the rest of Part One of Nineteen Eighty-Four. Get a copy of the questions and answer them this weekend for 20 points - pass/fail - won't count against you. Reading and going over those questions will prepare you for a quiz on Monday.
Finish Old Man and the Sea this weekend. We will have a test on the book and the vocabulary on Tuesday.
Make sure you have turned in BOTH essays - the revision and the in-class analysis. Have a good weekend.
Read the rest of Part One of Nineteen Eighty-Four. Get a copy of the questions and answer them this weekend for 20 points - pass/fail - won't count against you. Reading and going over those questions will prepare you for a quiz on Monday.
Finish Old Man and the Sea this weekend. We will have a test on the book and the vocabulary on Tuesday.