As noted in class, the assessment essay for your dual enrollment course is a profile of a fellow student. Below is the assignment as it appears on ULM's Moodle site for Freshman Composition (with additions by me):
Interviews will take place on Thursday, April 26th
Rough Draft due on Friday, April 27th
Final Draft due on Tuesday, May 1st
The RUBRIC for the essay is also included:
Interviews will take place on Thursday, April 26th
Rough Draft due on Friday, April 27th
Final Draft due on Tuesday, May 1st
Our upcoming essay will strengthen your writing skills while building a sense of community in our classroom. On our interview day, I will put you into groups, and you will interview one group member. Your goal is to write a profile of your interviewee. In that profile, you will show readers what is unique/special/meaningful about this person. You will also give a good sense of his or her personality/body language/attitude/etc. We will look at several examples of profile writing in class. You might also look at newspaper and magazine articles that introduce semi-famous people (up-and-coming actors, college athletes, newly drafted athletes, etc.)
Remember that this is a profile--not a biography. You cannot give this person's life history. You can only focus in on a few--at least two but not more than three--key issues. In order to do this, you'll need to ask good, open-ended questions. That means no yes or no questions. We will work together to create questions that elicit thoughtful responses. Before the interviews, I'll also ask you to bring at least three thought-provoking questions to class. We will share questions, creating a database from which to choose.
NOTE: please include at least the four following questions
- What are your career plans after college?
- Why did you choose that particular career path?
- What specific experience/memory can you relate that would give us insight into your choice?
- What can you tell us about yourself that people might not realize when they meet you?
Model essays on ULM's website will help give you a sense of appropriate style for this assignment, and Errol Morris's article from Business Week should help you conduct the interview.
During the interview phase, please take good notes, and make sure you get interesting, accurate quotes. Later in the unit, I'll allow you to return to your groups for additional quotes and details. But you should arrange additional contact--through email, text messages, phone, etc.--with your interviewee.
This essay will emphasize the following criteria:
- attention-getting introduction
- organization
- strong sensory details
- quote use and accuracy
- transitions
The RUBRIC for the essay is also included:
(getting readers' attention, generating interest in your topic, clear
focused paragraphs that begin with smooth transitions
details about each focal point and about interviewee's demeanor/body
language. Include good sensory information
Quotes (at least one good quote in each section, giving readers a sense of
the interviewee's voice and personality through his/her own words)