Your final draft of the first paper is due on FRIDAY, March 26th. It should be typed, double-spaced, and formatted according to MLA. This typed draft should be stapled with the handwritten draft, along with the outline/thesis statement, if you brought one to class.
Your paper should include direct references to the novel, and each specific reference should be cited. The form for in-text citation, as noted in class, requires the page number in parentheses at the end of the quote (or sentence):
Victor states that "blah blah [...] blah blah," anticipating his own demise (#).
I have only "quoted" the part of the book that is necessary, and I have not put [ellipses] at the beginning or ending, only in the middle. The square brackets indicate that something has been replaced (in this case, with an ellipsis). You can also use this technique to replace an unclear pronoun, for example, with its antecedent (i.e. the character's name).
Note also that you do not need the word "page" before the number. And, because we are only referring to one source at the moment, you are not required to put the author's name. If you do refer to the author, and I'm assuming you will at some point, then please refer to her by her LAST name. Do not attribute something to "Mary." You do not know her.
Finally, remember to bring BOTH DRAFTS -- the original handwritten draft AND the typed revised draft.