Your assignment for Friday is to turn in an annotated bibliography of your research so far, including sources used in the first paper. For each source, include an MLA citation, followed by a short paragraph (about 75 words) summarizing the source as it applies to your paper. In other words, you are explaining why each source is relevant.
Samples and explanations can be found at the following sites:
Purdue University's OWL (explanation)
Purdue University's OWL (sample)
Cornell University
University of Wisconsin-Madison
University of California-Santa Cruz
Note: At the end of the process, once you've combines all three papers, you'll revise this annotated bib to include all of your sources. In other words, save it in your "research" folder.
Samples and explanations can be found at the following sites:
Purdue University's OWL (explanation)
Purdue University's OWL (sample)
Cornell University
University of Wisconsin-Madison
University of California-Santa Cruz
Note: At the end of the process, once you've combines all three papers, you'll revise this annotated bib to include all of your sources. In other words, save it in your "research" folder.