The time has come for you to tell a story about your family. You can either re-tell a story that you were told by your interviewee, or you can tell one of your own stories. In either case, the story must be grounded in reality, based on true events. Remember that a "legend" often changes slightly the more it is told; a snowball of accumulated details fill in the gaps in your story.
In general, keep the following in mind:
(1) Your audience must believe the story to care about it
(2) Your story should have purpose; otherwise, why tell it?
(3) Provide specific information about your character(s) and setting
(4) Try to anticipate (and answer) the reader's questions
The story should be at least 300 words long, although it can be longer. Type the story, but you can pick any readable font (size 12). Include an original title and your name.
In general, keep the following in mind:
(1) Your audience must believe the story to care about it
(2) Your story should have purpose; otherwise, why tell it?
(3) Provide specific information about your character(s) and setting
(4) Try to anticipate (and answer) the reader's questions
The story should be at least 300 words long, although it can be longer. Type the story, but you can pick any readable font (size 12). Include an original title and your name.