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Showing posts from September, 2006

Seniors ~ Annotated Bibliography

Your assignment for Friday is to turn in an annotated bibliography of your research so far, including sources used in the first paper. For each source, include an MLA citation, followed by a short paragraph (about 75 words) summarizing the source as it applies to your paper . In other words, you are explaining why each source is relevant . Samples and explanations can be found at the following sites: Purdue University's OWL (explanation) Purdue University's OWL (sample) Cornell University University of Wisconsin-Madison University of California-Santa Cruz Note: At the end of the process, once you've combines all three papers, you'll revise this annotated bib to include all of your sources. In other words, save it in your "research" folder.

Juniors ~ SAT Prep

We've been in the computer lab this week preparing for the SAT. As you know, the program we're using is through the Princeton Review. College Board also has a great site on SAT prep, so I thought I'd mention it and supply a link. SAT - CollegeBoard Go to College Board's site for information about colleges and degree programs , as well. You'll spend a good bit of your time preparing for your future career at the beginning of next year, but it's never too early to start.

Seniors ~ Problem Paper

OVERVIEW Write a two-three page definition and discussion of a specific problem in your chosen field of interest. The problem you discuss here will form the basis for your analysis in Paper #3. Problems can be “academic” or “work-related.” The paper must cite at least three credible sources. Format according to MLA. PROCESS (1) Investigate possible “problems” utilizing the following types of sources: Interview –ask a professional Ouachita Public Library --- Library Catalog Online Resources --- GaleNet (enter LDOE in both spaces) --- Google --- Find Articles --- Highwire Press (Science) (2) Propose a topic via MEMO . Your memo should include a statement of purpose and show an awareness of audience. Also include reference to any research conducted so far (progress report). (3) Compose a 2-3 page description of the problem: * Define the problem – one specific problem, discussed in context * Provide details, statistics, analogies, and specific examples * Finally, explain how the...

Juniors ~ Family Legend

The time has come for you to tell a story about your family. You can either re-tell a story that you were told by your interviewee, or you can tell one of your own stories. In either case, the story must be grounded in reality, based on true events. Remember that a "legend" often changes slightly the more it is told; a snowball of accumulated details fill in the gaps in your story. In general, keep the following in mind: (1) Your audience must believe the story to care about it (2) Your story should have purpose ; otherwise, why tell it? (3) Provide specific information about your character(s) and setting (4) Try to anticipate (and answer) the reader's questions The story should be at least 300 words long, although it can be longer. Type the story, but you can pick any readable font (size 12). Include an original title and your name.