Your final exam will be 50 questions, multiple choice, on scantron (bring a pencil). There may be a brief writing component...emphasis on brief.
Please study the following:
John Milton
Paradise Lost (Fall of Satan)
Jonathan Swift
A Modest Proposal
Fairy Tales ~ Archetype, Motif, Allegory
Marchen, Grimm Brothers
Charles Perrault
Andrew Lang
Hansel & Grettel
Sleeping Beauty
Uraschimataro & the Turtle
The Slaying of the Tanuki
That's it. Read everything again, and look at your notes, and you should be fine. Both finals are Monday morning, and we have Doc's make-up day on Thursday. Let me know if you have any questions.
Your final exam will be 50 questions, multiple choice, on scantron (bring a pencil). There may be a brief writing component...emphasis on brief.
Please study the following:
John Milton
Paradise Lost (Fall of Satan)
Jonathan Swift
A Modest Proposal
Fairy Tales ~ Archetype, Motif, Allegory
Marchen, Grimm Brothers
Charles Perrault
Andrew Lang
Hansel & Grettel
Sleeping Beauty
Uraschimataro & the Turtle
The Slaying of the Tanuki
That's it. Read everything again, and look at your notes, and you should be fine. Both finals are Monday morning, and we have Doc's make-up day on Thursday. Let me know if you have any questions.