Okay, you have three more writing assignments for me before you go, two poems and one letter. As mentioned in class, the two poems will go into your scrapbook but should also be typed and turned in to me. The copy for me should use MLA format (single-spaced is fine). The other you may cut out of a printout (with your choice of font) or hand-letter yourself. It's also up to you to decide which one you want to put on the front page of your scrapbook (the other will be your last page).
The two poems should follow these guidelines:
(1) A free-verse poem of at least 10 lines, describing the school, using at least three of the five senses. Try not to rhyme, but instead to mimic the human voice. Think about this, please. Take it somewhat seriously, even if the poem itself is not.
(2) A ballad of at least three four-line stanzas, about the senior class. In case you've forgotten, a ballad is traditionally sung, using a steady rhythm and an alternating rhyme scheme (ABAB CDCD EFEF). You may write a traditional ballad or a "literary" ballad -- 4 beats, 3 beats, 4 beats, 3 beats.
The third writing assignment is a letter. I want each of you to write a letter to yourself...in four years. Yes, I will send it to you, so enclose the letter in a SASE (self-addressed stamped envelope). Leave it unsealed so I can read it and record a grade.
The letter should mention at least the following:
(1) Your current plans for your future and WHY those are your plans.
(2) Where you are moving next and where you'd like to end up.
(3) Your proudest accomplishment so far.
(4) What you've learned about yourself this last year.
(5) What you like to see changed about yourself in four years.
(6) The traits that you'd like to see stay intact.
(7) What you'd like to remind yourself about your goals/hopes/dreams.
Please use full-block letter format, the same we've been using all year. The letter should be single-spaced and should be signed. Again, be serious for a moment. It's okay to make yourself laugh, but you should also remember that much can happen in four years. Think about what life was life four years ago, for instance. This letter is for you, by you, so impress yourself.
The two poems should follow these guidelines:
(1) A free-verse poem of at least 10 lines, describing the school, using at least three of the five senses. Try not to rhyme, but instead to mimic the human voice. Think about this, please. Take it somewhat seriously, even if the poem itself is not.
(2) A ballad of at least three four-line stanzas, about the senior class. In case you've forgotten, a ballad is traditionally sung, using a steady rhythm and an alternating rhyme scheme (ABAB CDCD EFEF). You may write a traditional ballad or a "literary" ballad -- 4 beats, 3 beats, 4 beats, 3 beats.
The third writing assignment is a letter. I want each of you to write a letter to yourself...in four years. Yes, I will send it to you, so enclose the letter in a SASE (self-addressed stamped envelope). Leave it unsealed so I can read it and record a grade.
The letter should mention at least the following:
(1) Your current plans for your future and WHY those are your plans.
(2) Where you are moving next and where you'd like to end up.
(3) Your proudest accomplishment so far.
(4) What you've learned about yourself this last year.
(5) What you like to see changed about yourself in four years.
(6) The traits that you'd like to see stay intact.
(7) What you'd like to remind yourself about your goals/hopes/dreams.
Please use full-block letter format, the same we've been using all year. The letter should be single-spaced and should be signed. Again, be serious for a moment. It's okay to make yourself laugh, but you should also remember that much can happen in four years. Think about what life was life four years ago, for instance. This letter is for you, by you, so impress yourself.