Now that we have selected groups and scenes, it is time to begin your translations. Each group will turn in a modern translation of their scene, preserving the original meaning while avoiding slang (and inappropriate language). Use the book as your guide for formatting the translation; for example, capitalize the speaker's name, and indent speaking parts when they cover more than one line on the page.
Group TRANSLATIONS are due TUESDAY, 1/10.
Meanwhile, you should begin planning your video -- assigning parts and staging the scene (costumes, sets and props). Remember that all costumes, sets and props should all be connected to some central time period or style. Each group will be asked to provide an outline of the scene, including all information relating to the video: who's playing which parts; where the filming/taping will take place; what props and costumes are being used and when; etcetera...
Group SCHEDULESare due WEDNESDAY, 1/11.
In addition, each group is required to submit a PROGRESS REPORT on FRIDAY. This report (submitted as a letter) will let me know where you are in the project.
The VIDEO is due on TUESDAY the 17th, so we'll need to address potential problems before we leave for the weekend (and Monday holiday). Everyone should at least have rehearsed lines and made cue cards. I highly recommend that you begin shooting the video before the weekend. DO NOT wait until Monday to get started.
The late penalty for ALL assignments is 10 POINTS per day.
Please ask if you have any questions.
Group TRANSLATIONS are due TUESDAY, 1/10.
Meanwhile, you should begin planning your video -- assigning parts and staging the scene (costumes, sets and props). Remember that all costumes, sets and props should all be connected to some central time period or style. Each group will be asked to provide an outline of the scene, including all information relating to the video: who's playing which parts; where the filming/taping will take place; what props and costumes are being used and when; etcetera...
Group SCHEDULESare due WEDNESDAY, 1/11.
In addition, each group is required to submit a PROGRESS REPORT on FRIDAY. This report (submitted as a letter) will let me know where you are in the project.
The VIDEO is due on TUESDAY the 17th, so we'll need to address potential problems before we leave for the weekend (and Monday holiday). Everyone should at least have rehearsed lines and made cue cards. I highly recommend that you begin shooting the video before the weekend. DO NOT wait until Monday to get started.
The late penalty for ALL assignments is 10 POINTS per day.
Please ask if you have any questions.