You have a quiz Friday on Swift and elements of satire. The quiz will include questions from p584-621. After the quiz, begin to review your notes for your exam on the Restoration Period. This exam is scheduled for next Tuesday, January 31st.
After your vocabulary quiz tomorrow (1st 30 terms), continue to read Little Brother, and consider especially the tone and attitude of Marcus at the end of Chapter 8 concerning "Operation False Positive."
Has Marcus committed an act of terrorism, or does that require violence? And what is the result of his exploits? Weigh the positives with negatives resulting from the DHS's response. Also, consider his self-realization in chapter 9 (141), and think about his character's development so far. Does it seem realistic?
You have a quiz Friday on Swift and elements of satire. The quiz will include questions from p584-621. After the quiz, begin to review your notes for your exam on the Restoration Period. This exam is scheduled for next Tuesday, January 31st.
After your vocabulary quiz tomorrow (1st 30 terms), continue to read Little Brother, and consider especially the tone and attitude of Marcus at the end of Chapter 8 concerning "Operation False Positive."
Has Marcus committed an act of terrorism, or does that require violence? And what is the result of his exploits? Weigh the positives with negatives resulting from the DHS's response. Also, consider his self-realization in chapter 9 (141), and think about his character's development so far. Does it seem realistic?