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Showing posts from January, 2017


Sophomores You have a quiz Friday on Swift and elements of satire. The quiz will include questions from p584-621. After the quiz, begin to review your notes for your exam on the Restoration Period. This exam is scheduled for next Tuesday, January 31st. Seniors After your vocabulary quiz tomorrow (1st 30 terms), continue to read Little Brother , and consider especially the tone and attitude of Marcus at the end of Chapter 8 concerning "Operation False Positive." Has Marcus committed an act of terrorism, or does that require violence? And what is the result of his exploits? Weigh the positives with negatives resulting from the DHS's response. Also, consider his self-realization in chapter 9 (141), and think about his character's development so far. Does it seem realistic?


Sophomores Read the the selections from Gulliver's Travels (Lilliput) and answer questions that follow: #1-5 on p599 CC and #2-7 on p607 Seniors Continue to read Little Brother , Chapters 7-10. Vocabulary quiz on the first 30 terms on Friday.


Sophomores Read the selections from "Journal of the Plague Year" and answer the questions following in the handout for homework: Reading Check a-d, #1-6.  Additionally, for a separate homework grade, read the selection from Johnson's Dictionary and answer questions following in the handout: #1-7. Seniors Please read through chapter six of Little Brother for Tuesday. Mixed Media If your project is not an ongoing one, then please submit a new proposal Monday. Also, several of you will be asked to finish up projects early, as you did not present a finished product last week. Get busy.


Sophomores Quiz tomorrow on Pepys and Pope. For homework credit, answer the questions on p552: CC and 2, 4, and 6. Seniors Quiz tomorrow on the first three chapters of Little Brother. Vocabulary is due via Docs. Mixed Media We will share our progress so far in class tomorrow. Be prepared.


Sophomores Read "Diary of Samuel Pepys" and "Essay on Man" and answer the following questions: CC and #2-4 on p532 #1-3 on p535 CC and #2 and 4 on p538 Seniors Read the first three chapters of Little Brother and be prepared to discuss in class. You should be beginning a character journal to keep track of details and page numbers, and you should be annotating your text as you read. The study questions and vocabulary are linked above. Please complete the vocabulary by the end of the week. You will need to first select copy/paste the list into a new file. Name it "lastname-vocabulary" and share with me. Keep up with the study questions to help prepare you for discussion and quizzes. The first quiz will be on Thursday.


English II Quiz on Wednesday on the late Renaissance poets. We will review in class Tuesday. The quiz will be on the publication of the King James Bible, Sir Francis Bacon, Metaphysical Poetry (in particular, John Donne, including this poem ), the Cavalier poets, including Ben Jonson, and Milton. The Dore engravings are linked below. Gustave Dore: Paradise Lost

Little Brother

Our next essays and research will be centered around Cory Doctorow's book Little Brother . I have linked the presentation on the context below. If you'd like a free copy of the book, go to his website . There are several electronic versions available for download. If you'd like to buy an inexpensive copy from a cool book store, try Powell's in San Francisco, where the book is set. Little Brother Context (with links) Little Brother PDF Study Questions Vocabulary List

Mixed Media

Mixed Media is an elective course, and as such, you should only take it if you are a self-motivated learner. The course will require students to complete individual and group projects, propose those projects, and upload them to our public YouTube channel. Each student will maintain their own playlist of completed projects. These projects may include spotlight interviews, special event coverage, short films, podcasts, demos, reviews, audio production, game design, and basic programming. Below you will find the guidelines for the course, as well as a short list of software we will use to learn and utilize: Course Guidelines Software Tools


Sophomores You have two homework assignments, both worth points. You may do one, or both, or none: Read the two essays by Sir Francis Bacon on pages 442-46, and answer the questions on page 444 (#1-4) and 447 (CC and 2-4).  Read 449-69 and answer the questions on page 453 (1-3), 454 (1-3), 456 (2-4), 466 (1-3), and 468 (2-4) Seniors Find out more about Edward Snowden, and bring what you find. Here's a video to get you started. I would like to know what you think about the question, "Hero or Villain?"