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Showing posts from February, 2016


Seniors Read through at least the next three chapters for tonight. That leaves about 50 pages for tomorrow night, and we will discuss the end of the book on Wednesday. Your written exam will be in class on Thursday. Sophomores Read " Kubla Khan " and answer the questions in the book following the poem: CC and #2-5. We will discuss the poem in class, and your test will be on Wednesday. On Thursday, we will discuss Coleridge's " Rime of the Ancient Mariner " (bonus cheesy and eerie readings).


Seniors Read through p71 in your text - the next three chapters. We'll have finished the book by Wednesday, with a written exam on Thursday. Sophomores Answer questions following "Tintern Abbey" (#1-4 on 731) and the sonnets that follow (#1-3 on 733). We will discuss the remainder of the Wordsworth section in class Monday, and then we will read a couple of poems by Coleridge. Your exam on the first gen romantics will be before the break. For a closeup on Turner's Tintern Abbey paintings, go to the amazing Tate Gallery:  

This Week

Seniors We are starting Persepolis this week, and you should all have your books. For Wednesday, please read the first three chapters. For Thursday, read the following article on " Headscarf Politics ." We will have a quiz on the first five chapters on Friday. To help prepare you, please preview the questions from the study guide: Persepolis Study Guide Some asked if I would post something about the Cinema Rex Fire that is credited with being the catalyst for the Revolution in Iran. And it might also be helpful to view some film about the Shah himself: Sophomores We are beginning discussion of the Romantic Period this week. I gave everyone a copy of Robert Pinsky's analysis of Blake's set of "Chimney Sweeper" poems: A Perfect Discomfit . Please read the handout and be prepared to discussed. We will also read other selections from the first generation of poets - Wordsworth, Coleridge, and Burns - all before the break. After the break, we will ...

This Week

Seniors Please work on the following: finish your Little Brother paper and share it order Persepolis (Satrapi) and have it by Tuesday read "Show and Tell" by Scott McCloud (738-50) answer #1-8 (type) on p737, and bring printed out by Friday; use complete sentences and CITE specific examples from the text Sophomores We will work on your essays in class the next two days. Your essay should be printed out and stapled to the front of your cartoons and article. DUE by the end of class Friday.


Seniors Please complete your essays and share them with my email address by the end of class Friday. If you have not finished, you will have some time when we return on Wednesday. Remember that you can use the "Find" (CTRL-F) function in the PDF version to help locate specific evidence; however, please cite all relevant examples and quotes using page numbers from the book. Sophomores Your task for tomorrow in class is to hand write your first draft of the analysis essay. At the end of class, you will staple your draft to your cartoons and article. Make sure your name is on the draft. Your goal is of course to finish the paper, so that you can type and revise on Wednesday when we return. The assignment I handed out in class today is linked below: Analysis: Political Cartoons


Seniors Your exam is Wednesday, and the essay is Thursday-Friday. The essay will be typed in class, but you may do some preparation by looking at the following topics and going through the text for evidence. Note that the following are suggested topics for inquiry, but that your essay will be based on specific prompts on the date: What is terrorism? How is defined by the book, and how is this subject explored through the actions of Al Qaeda, the DHS, and Marcus? Is the disruption caused by Marcus, for example, worth the socio-political purpose? In particular, how much loss of privacy is acceptable for our security? What makes San Francisco an appropriate setting for the novel? Consider its geographical location, its multicultural population, its history of activism, and its role in the arts. Discuss Marcus as a central protagonist; how does his character develop, and what factors shape his growth as a character? Consider setting, events and characters. How does the book function ...


Seniors Your exam on Little Brother is on Wednesday. It will include the vocabulary, and your study guide is available here. Sophomores Your exam on the Restoration Period is Tuesday. Please know the following for the exam: Period Introduction Milton - Paradise Lost, selected poems Bunyan - Pilgrim's Progress Diary of Samuel Pepys Satire (p584-5) Alexander Pope (handout) - Rape of the Lock, Heroic Couplets, Essay on Man Non-Fiction Prose (p546-7) - discussion of genre and forms The Spectator Defoe - Academy For Women, Robinson Crusoe Women Writers (handout) Early English Novels Jonathan Swift - Gulliver's Travels, A Modest Proposal