Your homework tonight is to do the following in preparation for a short paper due on Friday:
Your homework tonight is to do the following in preparation for a short paper due on Friday:
- Take a personality quiz (optional). Try any of the Briggs Meyers tests for fun.
- Pick a career (just one) that you are reasonably interested in pursuing
- Pick a major/area of concentration
- Choose a university/college that offers that major (College Board will help)
- Explore the university's website (i.e.
- Then, PRINT a description of your career/profession from the Occupational Outlook Handbook and bring it to class. Do this BEFORE class.
Read pages 28-29 concerning epics. Based on the description, choose any epic (book or movie) and answer #1-5 on p29. Examples include The Odyssey, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, and Spongebob The Movie. Yes, even Spongebob works here.
Tomorrow we will discuss Joseph Campbell's MONOMYTH, otherwise known as "The Hero's Journey."