Seniors Your homework tonight is to do the following in preparation for a short paper due on Friday: Take a personality quiz (optional). Try any of the Briggs Meyers tests for fun. Pick a career (just one) that you are reasonably interested in pursuing Pick a major/area of concentration Choose a university/college that offers that major ( College Board will help) Explore the university's website (i.e. ) Then, PRINT a description of your career/profession from the Occupational Outlook Handbook and bring it to class. Do this BEFORE class. Sophomores Read pages 28-29 concerning epics . Based on the description, choose any epic (book or movie) and answer #1-5 on p29. Examples include The Odyssey, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, and Spongebob The Movie . Yes, even Spongebob works here. Tomorrow we will discuss Joseph Campbell's MONOMYTH , otherwise known as " The Hero's Journey ."