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Showing posts from August, 2015


Seniors Your in-class paper tomorrow is a 250-word paper on what job you'd like to be doing in ten years, why you'd like to do that job, and how you plan to get there! Although the essay is short, it should be well organized and clearly worded. Sophomores You have a quiz tomorrow on the notes so far (Celts, Romans and Anglo-Saxons). For more information on Campbell's monomyth , download this PDF :


Seniors Your homework tonight is to do the following in preparation for a short paper due on Friday: Take a personality quiz (optional). Try any of the Briggs Meyers tests for fun. Pick a career (just one) that you are reasonably interested in pursuing Pick a major/area of concentration Choose a university/college that offers that major ( College Board will help) Explore the university's website (i.e. ) Then, PRINT a description of your career/profession from the Occupational Outlook Handbook and bring it to class. Do this BEFORE class. Sophomores Read pages 28-29 concerning epics . Based on the description, choose any epic (book or movie) and answer  #1-5 on p29. Examples include The Odyssey, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, and Spongebob The Movie . Yes, even Spongebob works here. Tomorrow we will discuss Joseph Campbell's MONOMYTH , otherwise known as " The Hero's Journey ."


Sophomores We have only just begun the notes, so don't expect a quiz until Friday. I will be sure you know what is on it, and you will also have an associated homework assignment. Seniors Your task tomorrow in class will be to write about possible future plans. After some research, you will turn this into something more solid by the end of the week. For now, start looking at the following sites: Big Future by the College Board ACT Career Planning Quick Personality test at Come with something in mind to write about tomorrow, considering your strengths and weaknesses - both personally and academically - and your goals for ten years from now. If you have an idea of what you'd like to do, consider the reason(s) why . 

This Weekend

Good job on the essays; it looks like a lot of you are finished. Those who are not need to return to the source material for more evidence. Again, please do not add to your drafts; instead, review your draft and take notes. We will finish up on Monday, in addition to proofreading and adding a "works cited" page. For more information on creating MLA citations, please refer to the following (medium of publication = print or web):

In-Class Essays

These essays will be typed in class Thursday and finished up on Friday. You should begin typing when you get to class; leave all formatting until Friday. The essays will be typed on Google Docs using ChromeBooks, so you must have your Google Account to begin. The papers will auto-save to Google Drive, and I will ask all students to "share" their essays with me at the end of class.  Seniors Your essay on Thursday will be a synthesis using  four  of the "This I Believe" essays - three from your book and one from  the website  ( Your essay should be centered around a clear, arguable thesis, and each paragraph should connect to that central purpose. You must cite all four essays according to MLA guidelines -  found here  - and the essay will be written in class. In other words, come prepared on Thursday to write by outlining your paper and marking your book for content. Sophomores Your essay on Thursday is a literary analysi...

Using Sources

One place to start for information about MLA citation is this sample paper . You should also bookmark the following regrading using MLA format in your papers (my apologies if they don't all agree exactly - ask if you're unsure): Purdue OWL: MLA Formatting and Style Guide Cornell University: MLA Citation Style UNC: Citing Information   Signal Phrases In addition, because we will be using Google Docs in class, here's a sample document I created for you to reference plus a user guide (if you need it): How To Use Google Docs   Above all, make sure you are prepared for your essay tomorrow by annotating your book and organizing your thoughts. The more work you do outside of class, the less stressed you will be in class.

Welcome Back!

Welcome to my English class at River Oaks. This year marks my twelfth at River Oaks, and I'm excited to get started! Although this first week is short, we will dive straight in, writing the first essay during class on Thursday. Syllabus - English II Syllabus - English IV/DE/AP Your summer reading reports are due on the first full day, Tuesday the 18th. Remember that all Honors/Dual Enrollment/AP students have TWO reports due. Each of the summer reading reports must follow the format outlined in the assignments -- about 300 words, typed and formatted according to MLA. Summer Reading Report ALL students will write a critical analysis essay in-class on Thursday. Please refer to the following throughout this year for suggestions for writing literary analyses: How To Write a Literary Analysis Essay This essay will require SPECIFIC EXAMPLES from the assigned text. Bring your books on Tuesday marked for content. Be prepared to develop an outline in class on Wednesday.