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Showing posts from November, 2014


Seniors I have attached a copy of the finalized list of terms for your exam. The definitions are due on Tuesday, December 2nd. Please use Webster's (generally the first listed, or the one in blue), and avoid using obsolete or archaic definitions. I will go over the list on Monday to clear any confusion due to derivatives or cyclical definitions. I will give you two quizzes before the end of the semester, 25 terms each. These terms, along with the rhetorical terms, will form the basis for half of the mid-term exam. The other half will be an essay. Your in-class essay this week is based on an AP prompt: Contemporary life is marked with controversy. Choose a controversial local, national, or global issue with which you are familiar. Then, using appropriate evidence, write an essay that carefully considers the opposing positions on this controversy and proposes a solution or compromise. Notice that although the prompt is vague when it comes to topic, it is very specific when i...


Seniors Have fun at the Louisiana Renaissance Festival ! See you Monday, when we will complete the questions set and pull terms for our next set of vocabulary. Sophomores Please read Act Two of Macbeth in preparation for a quiz on Monday. Also, Honors students should read and summarize the following article about James I and his paranoia regarding witchcraft (also a bit about the gunpowder plot). Your summary is due Thursday (or anytime before). Witch marks fit for a king beguile archaeologists at Knole


Seniors Final draft of your revision is due, printed and stapled with the reviewed draft. Don't forget about the rhetorical terms quiz. Bring your completed AP multiple-choice test on Monday with vocabulary highlighted. We will compile a list from your notes. Sophomores Please read Act Two. Below are some scenes from the reading so far: [the weird sisters - warning: a little gore] [act one scene 7] [act two scene two]


Seniors Complete the AP multiple-choice question handout for tomorrow. Your revisions are due Friday. Rough draft workshop on Thursday. Please bring a printed copy of your essay to class. Vocabulary test on Friday. Sophomores Please read Act One of Macbeth . Answer questions following Act One - comp check, #2-6.


Seniors Answer questions #34-43 on the AP handout. We will continue to work through the entire multiple-choice section of the practice exam this week. Even though most are not taking the exam, the questions are designed to make you more careful and critical readers, and therefore more critical writers. Your revisions are due on Friday. You may choose from the following essays: ACT prompt: Multi-Tasking Synthesis: The American High School Analysis: Fasting and Football, or The Real New York Giants Also, your 3rd rhetorical terms quiz is on Friday (P-W). Sophomores Read ACT I of Macbeth . You'll answer questions tomorrow night.


Seniors You started your analysis essays today in class on one of two articles from the text: " The Real New York Giants " or " For Fasting and Football, a Dedicated Game Plan ." Tonight, look to the text for more examples, and take notes to use in class. Tomorrow, you will type and revise your essays. Sophomores Expect a quiz tomorrow on pages 314-324. You should study your notes on Shakespeare, the Renaissance Theater, and the context of Macbeth . We will read the play over the next two weeks. Globe Theater Gunpowder Plot James I and Witchcraf t Royal Shakespeare Company Shakespeare Unlocked: Macbeth