Okay guys, it's time for the final push. Getting back to school after this last break is hard, I know, but all we have left is three weeks and finals. Seniors have even less, of course:
Your final project is due at the end of the week. Although I've told you about the "Memory Book" assignment, I haven't put any details on this site. So here goes:
Your final project is due at the end of the week. Although I've told you about the "Memory Book" assignment, I haven't put any details on this site. So here goes:
- Can be either a 12X12 scrapbook or a digital presentation
- Must include a title page, and at least 16 pages/slides of content -- four for each year of high school
- Slides must include information and pictures from your life inside and outside of school -- i.e. trips, sports, holidays, pep rallies, clubs, vacations, even academics!
- At least one slide from each year must be dedicated to remembering popular culture from the year -- including major events, trends, music, movies, etc.
The assignments this week will also include a letter to your(future)self and an update on your post-graduation plans. All assignments are due Friday or before.
Honors students will be writing your papers in class on Friday. The book list for this year includes (among others) 1984, Brave New World, and Heart of Darkness. I also mentioned that any of the 19th or 20th century works mentioned in your notes is fair game, as well.