Okay guys, it's time for the final push. Getting back to school after this last break is hard, I know, but all we have left is three weeks and finals. Seniors have even less, of course: Seniors Your final project is due at the end of the week. Although I've told you about the "Memory Book" assignment, I haven't put any details on this site. So here goes: Can be either a 12X12 scrapbook or a digital presentation Must include a title page, and at least 16 pages/slides of content -- four for each year of high school Slides must include information and pictures from your life inside and outside of school -- i.e. trips, sports, holidays, pep rallies, clubs, vacations, even academics! At least one slide from each year must be dedicated to remembering popular culture from the year -- including major events, trends, music, movies, etc. The assignments this week will also include a letter to your(future)self and an update on your post-graduation plans. All assi...