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Showing posts from April, 2014


Read Kipling's " Mark of the Beast " tonight, and we will discuss tomorrow. Your quiz on Friday will include questions from both the poems and the short story.


Seniors Again, your assignments for the week are all due on Friday: Letter to yourself in five years (in sealed, addressed envelope) One page update on your plans (in MLA format)   Scrapbook with title page and at least 16 pages (four for each year) Sophomores Your homework for tonight is to answer the following questions concerning poems by Housman, Arnold, and Hardy: #1-4 on 964 #2-4 on 967 #1-4 on 943 #2-3 on 961 Honors students will write their papers next Friday. This Friday, in addition to your quiz, honors students will choose from a list of 20th century authors for presentations. 

Welcome Back!

Okay guys, it's time for the final push. Getting back to school after this last break is hard, I know, but all we have left is three weeks and finals. Seniors have even less, of course: Seniors Your final project is due at the end of the week. Although I've told you about the "Memory Book" assignment, I haven't put any details on this site. So here goes: Can be either a 12X12 scrapbook or a digital presentation Must include a title page, and at least 16 pages/slides of content -- four for each year of high school Slides must include information and pictures from your life inside and outside of school -- i.e. trips, sports, holidays, pep rallies, clubs, vacations, even academics! At least one slide from each year must be dedicated to remembering popular culture from the year -- including major events, trends, music, movies, etc. The assignments this week will also include a letter to your(future)self and an update on your post-graduation plans. All assi...


Seniors We will type tomorrow's essay in class. Please refrain from any editorials/commentary on the question, and you will not be able to use any pre-written drafts. As this is our last essay together as a class, make it a good one (and your own). We discussed some of the TV shows and films made (and set) in Louisiana; consider also the coverage of Louisiana politics by the national press, and aspects of Louisiana's culture--such as Mardi Gras, music and food--that are depicted in the mass media. Above all, make sure you answer the question and use plenty of specific examples. Note that if you would like to enter the essay into the high school writing contest hosted by NSU, there are specific requirements, including a length of 1000-2000 words. See the website for details . Sophomores Your homework for tonight is to answer questions following "In Memorium" and "Crossing the Bar." You should also read the poems for tomorrow by Robert Browning: "...

Week of 4/14

Seniors Your essay assignment this week is based on the NSU High School Essay Contest : "How does the Louisiana you know compare to the descriptions of Louisiana in the mass media?" You should be prepared to write the essay in class on Wednesday. The quiz on the last 40 words of your SAT vocabulary list is on Thursday. Sophomores We will discuss Victorian poetry this week, beginning with Tennyson's " Lady of Shalott " and ending with a test on Thursday. Honors students should be reading their selections for this final nine weeks.


Seniors Your MAUS exam will be Thursday, and your vocabulary test (part two) is on Friday. The MAUS exam will be an open book essay test. Next week's essay is part of a contest through the Louisiana Folklife Center at NSU. Visit the website to learn more . Sophomores Your quiz on the Introduction to the Victorian Period will be on Thursday. Please print out the handout, read it, and bring it to class. I will pass out copies of your next set readings tomorrow.


Seniors You should be halfway through MAUS at this point, and you should expect a quiz on the first four chapters on Monday. We will continue to discuss the novel, and your exam will be next Wednesday (possibly Thursday). Remember also to study the next thirty vocabulary terms for a test next Friday. Sophomores We will continue to work on your Frankenstein essays in class on Monday. Based on what you did today in class, you should know what you now need from the book. Your homework this weekend is to return to the text for more information. Mark your book with post-its or tabs; at minimum, you should select your examples and evidence before you come to class, so that you can revise your draft as you type it. A good way to search for examples is to use your study guide, which points you a chapter range. If you have any questions this weekend, please let me know. 


Seniors Final drafts of your Truman essays are due Thursday, not Wednesday, to accommodate baseball. Bring your MAUS book tomorrow. Sophomores Your Frankenstein exam is Thursday, and your in-class essay is on Friday. We will review and discuss possible topics tomorrow. Don't forget about the vocabulary.