Sorry I couldn't be there today, but one of my children was home sick. I'll be back tomorrow. In the meantime, please continue with the following:
Your revised, merged draft is due tomorrow, with design elements incorporated and with a complete list of referenced sources. The draft should be from six to eight pages in length, and you should have cited at least five sources. We will discuss your drafts tomorrow in class.
Today, I left instructions for you to begin working through the English section of the ACT practice booklet. Please bring those tomorrow, and if your answers are on a separate sheet, I can give you credit for the assignment and check your answers.
You were to turn in questions today on Act One and to discuss the answers in class. We will have a quiz tomorrow, including the vocabulary and introductory notes.
Honors students have an assignment for Monday (because of the Thursday game) based on the following article. Please summarize the main points of the article without copying, quoting, or paraphrasing (re-wording). The summary should be 250-words, typed and formatted according to MLA:
The Trial of Anne Hutchinson
Your revised, merged draft is due tomorrow, with design elements incorporated and with a complete list of referenced sources. The draft should be from six to eight pages in length, and you should have cited at least five sources. We will discuss your drafts tomorrow in class.
Today, I left instructions for you to begin working through the English section of the ACT practice booklet. Please bring those tomorrow, and if your answers are on a separate sheet, I can give you credit for the assignment and check your answers.
You were to turn in questions today on Act One and to discuss the answers in class. We will have a quiz tomorrow, including the vocabulary and introductory notes.
Honors students have an assignment for Monday (because of the Thursday game) based on the following article. Please summarize the main points of the article without copying, quoting, or paraphrasing (re-wording). The summary should be 250-words, typed and formatted according to MLA:
The Trial of Anne Hutchinson