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Showing posts from October, 2009

Juniors: Medieval Exam

The exam will include questions on the following: Medieval Period Introduction (historical context) Chaucer's Bio and Poetics Canterbury Tales - General Prologue, Pardoner's Tale & Wife of Bath's Tale Boccaccio - Federigo's Falcon Elements of Romantic Literature (Chivalric Romance) Sir Gawain & The Green Knight Death of Arthur The exam will be mostly (if not all) objective - multiple choice, T/F, and matching.

Seniors: Print Advertising

(1) First, your goal is to evaluate the audience and purpose of a print advertisement. What is the target audience* for the ad? What magazine was it in? Who would the image(s) in the ad appeal to? Beyond selling a product, what else is being sold? What is the message (or implied message) of the ad? * Target audience = the demographic that the company wants to reach, or that segment of the population (age, sex, race, class) that is most likely to buy the product or to use the service advertised. (2) Second, your task is to describe the ad's contents. What does it look like? Your reader will not have the ad to reference, only your description, so describe the images, colors and layout. What do the images/colors suggest? If there is text, what does it say? Is there a slogan on the ad (usually next to the logo)? Analyze the use of diction and syntax . Be specific and use quotation marks when appropriate. (3) Third, your goal is to analyze the effectiveness of the advertisement. ...