Your final exam will consist of three sections - AP multiple choice, vocabulary and an essay. The multiple choice section will come from your handout, and you will have a choice of essay prompts. The vocabulary will include 20 of the following 30 terms:
Good luck, and study!
- eschew - to avoid habitually especially on moral or practical grounds
- discursive - moving from topic to topic without order
- veracity - the quality or state of being lively in temper, conduct or spirit
- perilous - full of or involving danger
- ephemeral - lasting a very short time
- prevail - to gain ascendancy through strength or superiority
- dismal - showing or causing gloom or depression
- ingenuous - showing innocent or childlike simplicity and honesty
- syllogism - a subtle, specious, or crafty argument
- laudatory - of, relating to, or expressing praise
- pedantic – narrowly or stubbornly learned; unimaginative
- exhort – to urge strongly
- sardonic - disdainfully or skeptically humorous
- reprove - to scold or correct usually gently or with kindly intent
- spatial - of or relating to facility in perceiving relations (as of objects) in space
- flippant - lacking proper respect or seriousness
- scant - barely or scarcely sufficient
- portentousness - eliciting amazement or wonder
- didactic - designed or intended to teach
- reverential - expressing or having a quality of respect
- axiom - a maxim widely accepted on its intrinsic merit
- incessant - continuing or following without interruption
- parcel - to divide into parts
- contrived – artificial; labored
- lament - to express sorrow, mourning, or regret
- allude - to make indirect reference
- subsidy - a grant or gift of money
- coherent - logically or aesthetically ordered or integrated
- pessimism - an inclination to expect the worst possible outcome
- unadorned - lacking embellishment or decoration
Good luck, and study!