I know all of you would like to be exempt from the final, but I promise it won't be too bad -- if you study, that is. I've made the tests and quizzes available in class, and you are all welcome to come early on Friday to take notes and review. The exam will be 75-100 questions, both multiple choice and matching, and will be divided into literary periods. The exam will include information from the following periods, authors and works:
Renaissance Period (1485-1660)
Renaissance Period (1485-1660)
- Intro to the period (pages 193-211)
- Sonnets -- Wyatt, Spenser & Shakespeare (214-229)
- "Carpe Diem" & "Metaphysical" Poetry (238-254)
- The Renaissance Theater (283-288)
- William Shakespeare & Macbeth (289-389)
- King James Bible (413) -- psalms, parables
- John Milton & Paradise Lost (435-450)
- John Bunyan & Pilgrim's Progress (451-453)
- Jonathan Swift & Satire (486-513)
- Gulliver's Travels
- A Modest Proposal
- Introduction to the period (pages 620-638)
- Gothic Literature & Frankenstein
- Jane Austen & Mary Shelley
- William Blake
- "The Lamb" & "The Tyger"
- "The Chimney Sweeper" (two versions)
- William Wordsworth "Lines Composed a Few Miles Above Tintern Abbey"
- Samuel Taylor Coleridge
- "Kubla Khan"
- "Rime of the Ancient Mariner" (notes only)
- Lord Byron "Childe Harold's Pilgrimage"
- Percy Bysshe Shelley "Ozymandias"
- John Keats "Ode On a Grecian Urn"