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Showing posts from August, 2007

Seniors ~ Interview Letter

You have four things due on Tuesday. Although it seems like a lot, most of it is done already. Your Career Paper is due on Tuesday, along with the Interview Letter . The letter should be included in your folder with your final draft and copies of your sources. Use the "full block" format discussed in class. Please include the following in your letter: Paragraph #1 - Your interview subject's name and credentials, and the time and location of the interview Paragraph #2 - A summary of the relevant information from your interview (i.e. info not found in your other sources, advice, personal experience, etc.) Paragraph #3 - An assessment of the interview (how useful the interview was, whether or not you "opened a door"), and your email address. Also, don't forget about the thank you note , which should also use full block format, and which should be addressed to your interview subject.

Assignments 8/27 - 8/31

SENIORS: Tuesday - Interview questions Wednesday - Career testing Friday - Rough draft Paper #1 JUNIORS: Tuesday - #1-6 on 38 Wednesday - Test on Beowulf Thursday - "The Seafarer" 48-51 #1-5 Friday - "Ecclesiastical History" 54-58 #1-8


Now that we have started reading Beowulf , I was thinking how refreshing it is to hear Beowulf in its original language ( Old English ). Considering the fact that I am guilty of occasionally mangling the language myself, I thought I'd provide a link to the real thing . Also, several have wondered out loud what Beowulf and Grendel, especially, might look like. In addition to paintings on the subject, interestingly, there have been several comic books based on the poem. One of the best I've seen is Gareth Hinds' recent graphic novel. Finally, I just learned that Neil Gaiman -- author of the Sandman series of graphic novels and Good Omens (on the Senior list) -- just co-wrote the screenplay for a film version of Beowulf. Cool. Here's the trailer:

Seniors ~ Description & Interview

Your next response paper is a 250-word description of your career/major. Again, please type and format according to MLA. Although you do not have to cite your sources, you should use them to help you with this assignment. Remember too that all of this information will be used in the first part of your research paper (due Friday 8/31). For more information on your major or career, try Wikipedia . The second announcement is regarding your interview . All students are required to speak with a professional in the field you plan to pursue. This weekend you need to start making arrangements to meet with your subject. You can conduct an interview face-to-face, over the phone, or via email. It is important that you set this up now, as you will have only a few days to complete the assignment. If any of you need help, please contact me. I might be able to recommend an interview subject to you.

Seniors ~ Career Paper

Now that you have decided where you'd like to be in ten years, it's time to start planning. That starts with your selection of a university or academy that will give you the education/training required for your profession. Your assignment is to find at least two sources related to your career/major and to bring printouts to class. You should revisit the sites above, and those listed below, as well: Major & Career Profiles College MatchMaker University Sites (i.e. LSU , ULM ) -- search the Academics tab for colleges, departments, and majors, and then print out a copy of the degree description Your research will continue over the next few days, as you will need information on admission/degree requirements, tuition costs, and also job locations and salaries.

Seniors ~ Response Paper

You're SENIORS now, and that means it's time to get serious. This is a very important year for you because decisions you make now can affect the rest of your life. You'll be applying to colleges by Christmas, and May will be here before you know it. So, with that in mind, we head into your senior research project. The first assignment is a response paper of 250 words. Please type and format according to MLA, addressing the following: Where do you see yourself in ten years? What will you be doing? Why? What will make you happy? Where will you be? What do you think it will take to get there? It's easy to answer these questions without taking it seriously, but I encourage you to start taking it seriously now. If you have a clear goal for your future, then you can take steps necessary to achieve it. To help you get started, you might want to look at the sites mentioned in class: For general information, try College Board's Majors & Careers Central For specific...

Outlines & Essays

ALL STUDENTS On Monday, bring your typed outline and summer reading book . The essay will be written IN CLASS, and therefore should not be pre-written. Any pre-written essays will be collected. In order to make both your outline and your book effective and useful tools, please consider the following: Create a detailed outline to produce a detailed essay Pre-write your thesis statement Use primary headings for each paragraph Indent your main supporting points for each paragraph Include (and cite) quotes and details from your book Highlight, underline and mark passages in your book Fold down corners or use tabs to indicate page numbers Get plenty of sleep Don't freak out! If you work this weekend, writing the essay itself will be much easier; you will have a clear plan, and a place to begin. Good luck!