Below is a list of everything that will be on the final. Remember too that I have copies of your exams and quizzes. If you had come to class on Friday, you could have gotten those from me. Okay, okay, yes I know.
The List:
Geoffrey Chaucer & The Canterbury Tales
The exam should be around 75 multiple choice questions.
The List:
Geoffrey Chaucer & The Canterbury Tales
- Context Info -- when, where, why (the contest)
- Language of the collection (vernacular, iambic pentameter, couplet)
- "The Prologue" -- dominant characters and traits
- "The Pardoner's Tale" -- plot details, allegory
- "The Wife of Bath's Tale" -- plot details, romantic quest
- Rediscovering Ancient Greece & Rome
- Reformation (rejection of papal authority)
- Humanism (focus on human life, as well as eternal life)
- Invention of movable type (Gutenberg)
- Henry VIII -- Renaissance Man
- Elizabeth I and her role as patron
- "Whoso List to Hunt" (Wyatt)
- Edmund Spenser (sonnets, The Faerie Queen)
- Shakespeare's Sonnets (form and content)
- Marlowe, and Raleigh's response
- Carpe Diem poems (Herrick, Marvell)
- John Donne (metaphysical poetry)
- "Song"
- "A Valediction: Forbidding Mourning"
- "Death Be Not Proud"
- Renaissance Theatre (Globe, etc)
- Major characters, plot, language
- Genesis, Psalms, Parables
The exam should be around 75 multiple choice questions.