Your assignment this weekend is to set thirty minutes aside for yourself. I want you to go outside for at least thirty minutes, without your cell phone, without a friend, without your ipod...just you and your backyard. If you can go somewhere outside of town, or by some water, or into the woods, even better.
I want you to spend that thirty minutes observing nature. Listen, smell, touch. Use your senses. See what you can see. After about the first ten minutes, something odd will happen. You'll start to notice things you haven't noticed since you were a kid. You might want to take a notepad with you (not your laptop) and jot down down some things.
When you come back inside, to civilization, write me a page response telling me what you think. What did you see that you hadn't noticed before? What did you hear? Smell? Was it natural or artificial? Were you able to "escape" technology for a bit, or was that all you heard? What were you thinking? Were you worried about the texts you were missing? Or did you "transcend" your everyday experience?
Your response should be typed, double-spaced, and formatted according to MLA. Again, this is due Monday (1/29).
I want you to spend that thirty minutes observing nature. Listen, smell, touch. Use your senses. See what you can see. After about the first ten minutes, something odd will happen. You'll start to notice things you haven't noticed since you were a kid. You might want to take a notepad with you (not your laptop) and jot down down some things.
When you come back inside, to civilization, write me a page response telling me what you think. What did you see that you hadn't noticed before? What did you hear? Smell? Was it natural or artificial? Were you able to "escape" technology for a bit, or was that all you heard? What were you thinking? Were you worried about the texts you were missing? Or did you "transcend" your everyday experience?
Your response should be typed, double-spaced, and formatted according to MLA. Again, this is due Monday (1/29).