Choose your own! Pick 10 words from chapters 16-19 and provide the original sentence, Webster's definition, and a sentence of your own.
Chapter 16: “A Forest Walk”
- Where does Hester plan to meet Dimmesdale? Why?
- Describe the scene with Hester and Pearl in the sunlight. What symbolic meaning could the sunlight have? Why does sunlight shine on Pearl and not on Hester?
- What story has Pearl heard about the “black man”?
- What does Hester mean when she says, “Once in my life, I met the Black Man. This scarlet letter is his mark.”
- Why does Pearl think the minister holds his hand over his heart? How is there symbolic truth in what she says?
- How has Dimmesdale’s secret sin affected his life? Use a quote to support your answers and cite the page number.
- What is Dimmesdale’s “secret poison his malignity, infecting all air about him?”
- From what does Hester hope to save Dimmesdale by telling him the truth about Chillingworth?
- Does Hester still love Dimmesdale? Use a quote to support your answer. Cite a page number.
- What is Dimmesdale’s reaction to the truth?
- What future plans does Hester suggest to Dimmesdale as a way to escape Chillingworth?
Chapter 18: “A Flood of Sunshine”
- What is Dimmesdale’s decision in response to Hester’s plea that they leave the colony? Cite a quote and page number to support your answer.
- Why is the chapter called, “A Flood of Sunshine” ?
- What does Hester do that symbolizes putting the past behind them?
- What is the sunshine a symbol of?
- When Hester throws down her scarlet letter, the transfiguration foreshadowed Chapter 13 occurs, and Hester’s beauty returns. What is the “magic touch” that effects the transformation?
- Near the end of this chapter, the forest creatures are naturally drawn to Pearl and recognize her as “a kindred wildness.” How do you account for this wildness in Pearl ?
Chapter 19: “The Child at the Brookside ”
- What does Dimmesdale mean when he says, “Oh, Hester, what a thought is that, and how terrible to dread it! that my own features were part repeated in her face, and so strikingly that the world might see them!”
- Why is Pearl upset when her mother calls her?
- What is Pearl ’s reaction to Dimmesdale? How is Pearl a symbol for Hester and Dimmesdale?
Chapters 16 & 17 due WED
Chapters 18 & 19 due THURS
Vocabulary due THURS (must be typed)