The next step in your folklore project is to interview a family "elder" about your family's history/heritage. You will then write a summary of the interview for Tuesday (no class on Monday). Please include who you talked to, when and where the interview took place, and what you learned. The paper should be at least 250 words, typed, double-spaced, and formatted according to MLA. To get us started, I asked for a set of ten questions for Wednesday. The typed draft of those questions is due Friday. Please format according to MLA and number the questions. Avoid questions that will lead to YES, NO, or "I don't know." Make the questions specific. For example, instead of asking "Do you know much about our family's history?" ask "How far back can you trace our family tree?" Remember that the purpose for this assignment is two-fold -- to learn more about your family, and to collect a story about someone in your family. Your next assi...