Seniors The final draft of your research paper is due this week. You have an assignment due every day this week, in fact, culminating in the submission of your final draft at the end of the week. Below is a checklist: Monday - Combined draft DUE To create the combined draft, highlight each draft and copy (CTRL-C); then, paste into a new document (CTRL-V). Only copy and paste the text, not the MLA headings. Re-name and re-number the entire draft Add headings (2nd level for the three main parts, and 3rd level within each larger section) Change the font and spacing/indenting to be consistent throughout (should still be 12 point font and double-spaced) Share as "lastname research final" Tuesday - Revise (cut/replace/add) your final draft, and Title Page/Abstract DUE try creating an outline of your draft so far - one of the best methods for revision because it forces you to "re-vision," or see it again create a title page and abstract - submit as "la...