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Showing posts from May, 2016

Happy Summer!

Honors Essays

As noted in class, the assignment is to justify your book's inclusion in the honors curriculum for English II, or to argue that it should be removed from the list. Be specific, and use examples from the text. Essays should be 500 words and formatted according to MLA. Share with me via Google Docs by the end of the day Friday (use the filename "lastname-eng2honors").


Click on the following for a copy of the final review for English II. My suggestion is to copy & paste it into another document and write a bit about each author and/or work. You might want to make note cards for all the authors and titles. Someone could also create a Quizlet and share with the class. Whatever method you choose, STUDY. This is a 100-question final worth 20% of your grade. ENG II FINAL REVIEW

Final Week

Sophomores We are doing a cursory overview of some of the major poets of the 20th century, and we are also reading a couple of short stories. Below are some materials to help you with the introduction and poets: Introduction to the Period Modern British Poets Read James Joyce's "Araby" for Wednesday, and Penelope Lively's "At the Pitt-Rivers " for Thursday. We will go over the review on Friday. Homework for the stories is below: CC and #1-4 on 1029 (Wed) CC and #2-6 on 1207 (Thurs)

Victorian Exam and Summary

Your exam on the Victorian Period will be Monday . This is your last 100-point exam of the term. Next week, we will cover a selection of stories and poems from the 20th century, which will be included on the final exam. Honors students have a 250-word summary of the following article: " Penny dreadfuls: the Victorian equivalent of video games " (link to original article ) due Tuesday . Non-honors students can do the same assignment for extra points. Now watch this earnest young man below remind you how to write a summary:


Sophomores Do the following homework for Wednesday: #1-4 on 862 #1-4 on 943 CC and #2-3 on 961 #1-4 on 964 CC and #2-4 We will read and discuss Kipling's short story "Mark of the Beast" Wednesday and Thursday.


Sophomores Today in class, we read poems by Robert Browning. Please do the following for homework: #1-3 on p856 CC and #2-5 on p859 This week, we will continue to read selections of poetry from the period, as well as a short story from Rudyard Kipling. 

For Friday

Sophomores You have a quiz on the introduction to the Victorian Period and Tennyson on Monday. Seniors Your memory book assignment is due at the beginning of class on Friday. Presentations should be shared with me by the beginning of class. This last class day will be spent sharing the projects and turning in books.