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Showing posts from May, 2015

Dual Enrollment

Students wanting to participate in ULM's Dual Enrollment program need to complete the following: Online application to ULM Paper Dual Enrollment form (return to me) Send ACT scores to ULM Tell Ms. Malone which class(es) you plan to take All of this information, including eligibility requirements, can be found on ULM's website. I've also created an in-house guide for River Oaks: ULM Dual Enrollment River Oaks Dual Enrollment

Sophomore Presentations

Remember: DO NOT use Wikipedia. Instead, use credible, original sources. ALL sources used in your presentations must be cited according to MLA. The forms can be found on Research and Documentation Online . In particular, most of your sources will use the " Short Work from a Website " form, or #38. The site has also included a handy PDF guide for determining what goes into the citation.

English 8 Contests

The following will remain up until Friday, when I will announce the audience favorites, each of whom will receive 10 points each: Roadside America Presentations Short Short Stories And the winners are... Presentations - Bondad and Henry (10 pts) Short Short Stories -  Mason (15 pts), Armand (10 pts), Gray (5 pts) Good job, and congratulations!


Sophomores Read James Joyce's " Araby " (1022-1029), and answer the questions on the handout in class. Also, please read the section following the story--on Joyce's life and his novel Ulysses.  For Thursday, read "At The Pitt-Rivers" by Penelope Lively (pages 1200-1207). Pitt Rivers Museum is a real place, by the way. Also, I've posted the study guide for the final, which we will go over Thursday and Friday as needed. Your final will be completely objective--multiple choice and matching. Know the authors. Please come to class with any questions. English II Final Exam Review


Sophomores Please read the selections from Eliot in your textbook (p1060-75). For homework credit, answer the following in complete sentences with citations : #1-3 on 1066 #1-3 on 1069 #2-4 on 1073 I've posted the notes on Yeats and Eliot below, along with notes on Auden and Thomas . In addition to this set of poems, we will read and discuss two stories next week: " Araby " ( Joyce ), and "At the Pitt-Rivers" ( Lively ). Modern Poets Notes

Sophomore Honors

In lieu of a final book and paper, I am having English II Honors students do a presentation on two contemporary British authors. The list, along with the assignment, is linked below. We will do this by drawing, with #1 going first and fifth. Each student will choose two authors, conduct research, and create a presentation using Google Slides. This project is due next Friday, May 15th, when you will present them to the class. Information from the presentations will be included on the final exam. English II- Honors Presentations Sydney - Atwood and Byatt Kaleigh - Gaiman and Rowling Lilly - Hornby and Smith Madelynn - Martel and Pratchett
Senior Scrapbooks can be picked up anytime next week!