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Showing posts from January, 2015


Seniors You have a quiz tomorrow on the first three chapters of Little Brother , and we continue to discuss. Your assignment for the weekend is to read chapters 4-11 for Monday, and we will use the questions as the basis for discussion. Side note: here is the story I mentioned in class about Ms. Marvel . Sophomores You have a quiz tomorrow on Alexander Pope and the works studied. Next up, we will discuss Johnson, Addison and Steele before moving on to the Romantic Period next week. I will order copies of Frankenstein for the class.


Seniors Your study questions and vocabulary for the first three chapters are due tomorrow. Feel free to continue reading. Your assignment over the weekend is to read chapters 4-11, so you might get a head start. Sophomores Please read the excerpt from " Rape of the Lock ," and answer the following questions in your handout for Heroic Couplets and An Essay on Man : #2 a-g on 523 #2-6 on 525


Seniors Your assignment is simple: BUY or DOWNLOAD the book. Then, download a copy of the STUDY GUIDE for the novel from Doctorow's site. Then, answer the questions from the first section (Background). If at any time the questions are Canada-specific (as in #5), relate your answers to your own community. You may either write out or type your answers (makes sense to type them and keep them). Those questions are due at the beginning of class tomorrow. Also, consider the suggestions under the headings "The Characters" and "The Language" and take notes accordingly as you begin to read the novel. Tomorrow, we will begin by discussing Chapter One. By Thursday, you should have the following: Questions for Chapters 1-3 (complete sentences with citations) Vocabulary Squares worksheet for 1-3 (one sheet per chapter) Sophomores We will continue to write in class tomorrow. Be sure to print out your news article for context. My suggestion is to start with Googl...


Sophomores For Monday, please do the following: Go to Daryl Cagle's Political Cartoonists Index and browse Choose one you think is funny and/or clever Copy and paste the cartoon into your Word document Write a 100-word paragraph analyzing the artist's use of appeals, irony, imagery and text to convey his/her message. Please include a summary of the primary message. Format according to MLA See the attached example Also, print and bring an article from Google News that is related to your topic. Seniors You need to have your copy of Little Brother on Monday. Remember that you can download the book for free through the author's website .

Visual Analysis

Sophomores Your assignment for Friday is to print out three political cartoons from CAGLE.COM . They can be on any topic you choose, as long as you understand the jokes. We will share and discuss your cartoons in class, and I will give you some instruction on writing an analysis of a visual text. By the end of class Friday , you should have your focus set, and you will look for an article this weekend that helps to establish the context for the satire in the cartoons. Please use GOOGLE NEWS as your portal for news sites. Print an article from a major news outlet, and bring the article to class on Monday . For Monday , you will all write the analysis of one cartoon. Although I gave everyone a copy in class, here is the full assignment.


Sophomores Quiz tomorrow on Jonathan Swift, Gulliver's Travels , and "A Modest Proposal." Seniors Your paper on Friday concerns the debate over privacy vs. security. In preparation, we have been examining the following: Edward Snowden Wikileaks Anonymous Do you believe that some loss of privacy is necessary to maintain your security? Is this true of your phone records and internet browser history? How much authority should the U.S. government have to collect and search through your personal communications? Furthermore, do you believe Edward Snowden should have exposed the NSA's surveillance program? In general, are we better off as a result of these leaks? Do you believe Wikleaks was right to release the "Collateral Murder" video, or any other classified information? Your assignment for Thursday is to investigate and then print out an article on your focus. These are only three components of a very large issue, so you may want to expand your inqu...


Sophomores Homework is #1-5 on 599 and #cc, 2-4, 6 on 607. Due on Friday. Quiz on Gulliver's Travels on Tuesday. Read "Modest Proposal" for Wednesday. Seniors Please buy a copy of Little Brother  (Doctorow) by January 26th. The book is available from the author for free download . Of course, you would have to print out the text in order to bring it to class. Next week we will discuss privacy issues -- cameras, drones, wiretaps, Snowden, and Wikileaks -- and net neutrality. Come prepared to discuss.


Seniors Read the excerpt from Fridman's "American Needs Its Nerds." We will work on the rhetorical analysis questions this week and write an essay on Friday. On Tuesday/Wednesday we will grade your in-class essays from last week using AP's nine-point scale . Sophomores Read "Diary of Samuel Pepys" and answer the questions at the end. We will discuss on Tuesday. Also, expect a quiz on the Introduction to the Restoration (open notes).


Sophomores Read the selection from Paradise Lost and answer questions on p491: CC and 3-6. Quiz on Paradise Lost and Pilgrim's Progress tomorrow. Here's a link to the Gustave Dore woodcuts I referenced in class. Seniors Read and annotate the excerpt from John M. Barry's The Great Influenza (from 2008 AP exam). We will work through the following packet over the next two days, and you will write the analytical essay in class on Friday. Rhetorical Analysis: John M. Barry's The Great Influenza