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Showing posts from December, 2014

Midterm Exams

Once more, the schedule is Monday (3rd and 4th), Tuesday (1st and 2nd), and Wednesday (5th and 6th). Your midterm reviews are below . I highly recommend making note cards for all vocabulary terms, either on one of the many website/apps or physically, by hand, which some psychologists say helps to "imprint" the information. Good luck on all your tests, and I'll see you next week...


Sophomores You have a quiz on the Carpe Diem poets plus Donne on Thursday. It will be open notes. Your study guide for the midterm is also posted below: MIDTERM REVIEW Seniors Your final vocabulary quiz (#26-50) is on Friday. There will be a total of 100 terms on the midterm, plus a 500-word essay. Right now, my intent is for you to write on the following: From Siri  to Watson , computer intelligence is growing at an exponential rate. Some believe that machines with "strong intelligence" will help to solve some of mankind's greatest problems, while others worry that technological singularity might have cataclysmic consequences for mankind. Based on what you know, and what you've read and seen, what do you believe to be the greatest positives and negatives of artificial intelligence? As usual, the essay will be written in class, during the prescribed time on Tuesday, and will be typed and formatted according to MLA.


Sophomores Your homework is to answer the questions following the poems by Herrick and Marvell. Your study guide should be ready by tomorrow. Seniors Here's how Watson works:


Sophomores Read Sir Francis Bacon's "Of Studies" and answer questions on p444. Also, read through the section on metaphysical poetry and John Donne (449-57). The poem we covered that's not in your book is called " Song: Go and catch a falling star ." Seniors The discussion this week will center around the topic of artificial intelligence. To help you understand that concept, please watch the following video:


Your prompt for Friday concerns current robotics technology and how it affects humans, both positively and negatively. You'll pick a specific focus (i.e. service, medical or military applications) and find about three sources that discuss current research and development of technology in that field. Consider the impact these technologies have on the human population; then, write a thesis summarizing your opinion, including examples from your articles as support. Your essay must include examples of BOTH positive and negative effects. Use credible sources only, and cite everything according to MLA. This essay will include a works cited page. This essay should be around 500 words and will be written in class. You are required to turn in your highlighted sources with the final draft.


Quiz on #1-25 on Friday. The topic for this week is robotics, specifically in three areas: home/personal, industrial/medical, and military: Here's an overview of recent developments in the world of robotics from the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ( IEEE ). Popular Science  online calls their section on robotics " Our Robot Overlords ."  For a more theatrical presentation, this  TED Talk  from March 2014 features EDI, a multi-purpose robot designed to work with humans. Do some research, and decide which aspect of robotics most interests/excites/frightens you, and print and bring at least three credible articles by Wednesday for your synthesis essay on Friday .


Your Macbeth exam is on Wednesday . The rubric for the Macbeth  creative project follows (20 points each): Rationale - a 250 word report on your project, including what you did and why Accuracy - adherence to the play and correctness of the report Creativity - use of medium to convey the action/message of the scene Aesthetics - including the presentation and accessibility of the material Presentation - introducing, explaining and presenting your project to the class The Macbeth project is due on Friday, December 2nd . The goal of the project is to present a creative representation related to some aspect of the play, author or Renaissance theater. If a video project, then each group member must be an active participant in the process, and the video should be between five and ten minutes long (usually a scene). Visual art projects should be presented in a manner that allows for display.