Sophomores Study for your exam on Tuesday, and start gathering material for your essay on Huck Finn, to be written in class on Wednesday. Possible topics include, but are not limited to, the following: Huck's development - his maturity in attitude towards Jim, Tom, girls, slavery, the cons, religion, authority/society Jim's admirable traits - as a father figure to Huck, and as a father to his own children A comparison between Huck and Tom, Jim and Pap, "mothers" and "fathers," river and shore Portrayal of the river - in realistic/naturalistic terms, as a symbol, as "home" Function as an anti-slavery novel, or one to be banned for reinforcing stereotypes Function as a temperance novel Huck's "drowning" and "rebirth" - symbolic function of his staged death Role of religion and/or superstition The episodic nature of the narrative - a road to self-discovery, the hero's journey The use of humor and satire, in pa...