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Showing posts from May, 2011


Your updated grades have been posted on Edline . Note that this does not include all of the homework for this week, and that I have not yet "dropped" your lowest quiz and homework. Also, if you choose to not turn in this last week's homework, know that it will show up on the report as "missing." There is a ** in place of the grade. Please let me know if you have questions.

Work for May 16-20

NOTE: all of this week's homework is optional, meaning it won't be counted against you; however, doing the homework will raise your grade Monday "Araby" - Questions CC & #2-5 (p1029) Tuesday "Dulce et Decorum Est" - #2-7 (handout) "The Second Coming" - #1-3 (p989) "Sailing to Byzantium" - CC & #2-5 Wednesday "The Demon Lover" -CC & #2-7 (p1164) Thursday Review for Final Exam Friday Review for Final Exam Honors Essay

Victorian Quiz #2

Juniors, you have a QUIZ on Thursday on "Mark of the Beast" and the four poems we've just discussed. After the quiz, we'll talk about Modernism (beginning on 978).

Junior Homework

Read the following poems, and complete the questions following the poems: "Dover Beach" - #1-4 (943) "Convergence of the Twain" - CC, #2-3 (961) "When I Was One and Twenty" - #1-4 (964) "To An Athlete Dying Young" - CC, #2-3 (967)

Senior Finals

Your finals are on Monday (2nd period) and Tuesday (4th period) and will consist of two parts - a multiple choice section and an essay: Non-Honors - Review sections from the AP and ACT tests covered in class, and be prepared to write an argument essay on a prompt you have not seen before. English AP - Review sections from the AP tests covered in class, and be prepared to write an analysis essay on a prompt you have not seen.

Junior Homework

Your assignment over the weekend is to read the handout - "Mark of the Beast" by Rudyard Kipling - and to answer questions #1-10.

Junior Assignment

On Monday , we talked about Victorian fiction -- please get those notes if you missed -- and your assignment for Tuesday is to read a story from Elizabeth Cleghorn Gaskell, "Christmas Storms and Sunshine" (872-882). Be prepared to take a short reading quiz on the story on Wednesday , when we will talk about the Colonial literature of the late 19th century.

Seniors ~ Memory Book

Just a reminder that you need to bring material for your memory book tomorrow. Bring all supplies to class all week. The final product is due on FRIDAY, MAY 6 . The specifics regarding your memory book assignment are posted below. We will also review for finals , which begin on Monday of next week. I'll know soon if you are exempt; otherwise, prepare as if you are taking the exam.