Now that your introduction and concluding poem have been turned in (hopefully), I've been asked to post the requirements for the entire project. Although we will not work on this until the week after break - while we are reviewing for the final - there are some supplies to gather. First, the assignment requires that you include pictures and memorabilia from all four years of high school. You can print pictures professionally, or you can print them on your own - from Facebook, the RO website, the Internet, your computer. You should include at least the following: At least FOUR pages ( two sheets , front and back) for each year = SIXTEEN total (or eight sheets , front and back) Organize chronologically, ending with your senior year Include information related to school - academics, arts, athletics - as well as special events Include information related to your interests - religion, music, film, games, trends, etc. Include information related to the news - important events (i.e....