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Showing posts from May, 2010


Have a great summer everybody...

Final Review

Research Process MLA Format – what it is and how it looks Using the subscription databases (i.e. EBSCO, JSTOR) Evaluating sources (the two “R”s – Relevance and Reliability ) Using sources (the two “I”s – Introduce and Integrate) Parenthetical Citation (know the punctuation) Block quotes Works Cited entries (expect at least to know the form for an article from a subscription database) Romantic Period Introduction to the period (620-638) Gothic Literature & Frankenstein (study guide) Women writers of the period (726-728) Robert Burns: “To A Mouse” William Blake: "The Lamb" & "The Tyger" & "The Chimney Sweeper" (two versions) William Wordsworth: "Tintern Abbey," “ Westminster Bridge ” Samuel Taylor Coleridge: "Kubla Khan" & "Rime of the Ancient Mariner" Lord Byron: "She ...

Juniors: Last Week!

Your last few assignments and readings are listed below: "To An Athlete Dying Young" "The Second Coming" "Dulce Et Decorum Est" (#2-7 on 930) "The Demon Lover" (#2-8 on 1023) "Once Upon A Time" (#2-6 on 1160) We will review the above on Thursday and continue on Friday, when I will hand out a full review of this semester's work.

Junior Update

You should be reading Part Three of Heart of Darkness at this point. We will continue to review the novel on Thursday and Friday. Your exam is on Monday, May 17th . Don't forget about the vocabulary.

Senior Final

As discussed in class, your final is a shortened version of the AP exam, including both a multiple choice section and an essay . The multiple choice questions will come directly from your practice tests for this term, and you will have a choice of essays (analysis and/or argument). In addition, there is a matching section with terms from the handout we've been using for quizzes. Expect 12 terms for non-honors and 22 for honors. The exam will be taken during your regularly scheduled class time and should take no longer than 50 minutes. The essays will be graded on the AP scale and converted to 50 (or 60 points) -- half of your grade, in other words. I do not expect them to be perfect, but I do expect them to be thoughtful and insightful. Remember that this will be your last essay for me: what impression do you want to leave? If you study the material you have, you will be more than prepared. So please STUDY. See you next week.


Don't forget about your Honors papers -- due tomorrow, May 7th! There's a ten-point penalty if the paper is turned in Monday. Please read Part Two of Heart of Darkness over the weekend. We'll finish up next week and then read two or three modern short stories before finishing up for the year.

Bayou Farewell

Although we aren't officially reading the book this summer, I'd still like to recommend Mike Tidwell's Bayou Farewell . It's especially prescient right now, considering what Louisiana is facing in the coming months. What we have in the Gulf of Mexico is not exactly a "spill" -- that implies a finite amount -- but instead is a series of leaks which are pouring oil into the gulf at a rate of 5000 barrels per day. We can hope that the leaks will be stopped, and that the oil will all be cleaned up, and that any further crises will be averted. But the stark reality is that the entire gulf coast is bracing for a long, difficult summer. And the entire country, of course, is bracing for a long summer of politics. Since we've discussed this site in class, it really needs no introduction: